Teen MC 1: Young MC
Prompt: Can I request a teenager MC? How would they react to them being so young? You know that Lucifer said that he picked MC randomly for the exchange program because he was tired? He chose MC by mistake.
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
- Diavolo is shocked when he sees how young you are. He assumed that Lucifer would choose someone a bit older, but nevertheless, the demon king is delighted to meet you.
- Diavolo isn’t sure what to expect from a human, especially one as young as you, but the more he spends time with you, the more he likes you.
- Without realizing, the king starts to grow protective of you.
- Only when Barbatos points out the obvious does the demon king understands that he thinks of you not only as a friend but also as family.
- From then on, Diavolo is there for you any time you need in, he even permits you to visit him whenever you want.
- Simeon is used to being around chibis teenagers and knows well how to deal with them.
- Though, he is surprised when he sees such a young representative from the human realm.
- From day one, Simeon is very kind to you. He is there when you need advice, need a shoulder to cry, or even when you just want to talk.
- It doesn’t take him long to consider you as family, not only his family but also Luke’s family.
- Your age didn’t surprise Asmo, but what surprised him was that Lucifer picked you. He assumed that his older brother would choose someone just like him.
- In no time, Asmo takes a liking to you.
- He takes you shopping with him and spends time doing your hair and nails. His absolute favorite, though, is having a sleepover.
- The two of you spend the whole night talking about boys/girls. He even gives you dating advice.
- He becomes nothing less than a big brother to you. A big brother who is also your best friend.
- Mammon is startled to see you. He is upset that he can’t swindle you for money. He’s all too familiar with human teens being broke.
- Compared to Asmo, Simeon, and Diavolo, it takes Mammon a little longer to warm up to you.
- The day he learns that you have a ton of energy and love to prank, Mammon becomes your best friend.
- Being the shy demon he is, Mammon will never admit that you’re just as important to him as his brothers. You are and always will be his family.
- He thinks it’s preposterous for Lucifer to choose someone so young.
- At first, he gives you countless lectures and picks out your mistakes, but when he realizes you are not a destructive, hormonal, chaos-causing, immature, and rebellious human teen, Mephistopheles starts seeing you in a new light.
- He still gives you lectures, but his voice is warmer; he still picks out your mistakes but provides constructive feedback and helps when needed.
- Lastly, he looks out for you and your needs. He, in every sense, acts like a caring older brother who pretends not to care because showing he cares is not cool.
- She is stunned to see such a young representative from the human world, but you being young means she can pull pranks on you without heavy consequences.
- In short, you become her second main target after Solomon.
- If Thirteen learns you like pulling pranks, she will gladly enlist you as her apprentice.
- Once she becomes fond of you, the Grim Reaper will treat you like a younger sibling, but don’t expect her to be a sweet sister – if anything, Thirteen will pull more pranks on you. That’s what siblings do, right?
- Barbatos is not surprised as he already knew Lucifer would pick you, but he thinks the program will be a great learning experience for you.
- Due to his duties, he can’t spend time with you, but whenever you achieve something – like good grades, stopping the brothers from causing destruction, helping Lucifer, or making Diavolo proud – Barbatos cooks for you or sends you a gift as a thank you.
- There are times when he wishes he could spend time with you and get to know you better, but as long as you are safe, happy, and working hard, Barbatos is content with watching you from a distance.
- He instantly takes a liking to you since you are the second youngest among the exchange students. Luke is genuinely thankful that Lucifer chose someone around his age.
- Like Simeon, from day one, Luke is sweet and looks out for you. He lends you an ear when you need to talk, wipes your tears and hugs you when you are sad, protects you from any demon who threatens you, and bakes loads of treats.
- To the young angel, you are part of his family.
- He is not surprised by your age and thinks it’s a nice change to have a young human around, but Solomon wonders why Lucifer chose you. That alone is enough for him to take an interest in you.
- Being the only other human, he gives you special attention, from looking out for your safety to lending you a hand with studying.
- Hope you can stomach his cooking because now that you are Solomon’s dear friend, he will cook for you whenever he gets the chance. He wants you to eat well and grow up to be a healthy adult.
- When he first sees you, Levi thinks someone brought the wrong human to Devildom. He expected Lucifer to select a mature adult who handles responsibilities and gives endless lectures – someone just like him.
- Levi initially assumes you are judgmental, like stereotypical teens. But once he learns you are not like that, he slowly lowers his guard.
- When he finds out you like gaming and/or anime, Levi gets excited and invites you to spend time with him. Expect binge-watching episodes and playing games for hours without a break.
- It takes him a while to completely warm up to you, but when he does, Levi refuses to let anyone else spend time with you. You are his closest friend, and he refuses to let anyone take you away from him.
- Like some of the others, Satan expected Lucifer to pick a serious, studious, and fun-hating student, but when he sees you, he is shocked. What exactly prompted his brother to choose a young human?
- He is friendly to you from the start and lends you a hand now and then, but Satan only opens up to you when he learns you are studious or like reading or like cats or hate/want to prank Lucifer.
- For the most part, he acts more like a friend than a brother, and if you ever want to bend Lucifer’s rules, he gives you his full support. Satan is willing to do anything to annoy his oldest brother.
- Beel doesn’t even notice how young you are until he hears Asmo gasping and saying, “Wow, they are young!” Even then, he doesn’t see the deal about your age – if Lucifer chose you, he must have a good reason.
- Like Satan, he is friendly to you from day one, but depending on the way you behave with him and his family, either Beel likes you or will maintain a distance from you. If you are nice to him and his family, it doesn’t take him long to accept you as part of the House of Lamentation.
- Beel looks out for you, especially your eating habits. If you skip a meal or eat less, he will ask you to eat more and will even go out to buy whatever you feel like eating. As long as you are in the HoL, Beel will make sure you eat properly.
- Belphie gets upset when he sees how young you are. He thinks Lucifer might not have slept enough and chose a young teen by accident.
- Why did it have to be a young teen? This means the House of Lamentation will have a hyperactive, loud, moody, rebellious, and obnoxious human around – so long for sleeping peacefully.
- It takes Belphie the longest to cozy up to you, even if you don’t fit his description of a stereotypical teenager. But the day he accepts you, Belphie will be nothing less than a protective, slightly possessive older brother.
- While Beel takes care of your food habits, Belphie will take care of your sleep habits. No skipping out on sleeping, and if you have to pull all-nighters, naps are a must.