Teen MC 12: Spontaneous
Prompt: Could I get teenage mc who’s either very loud and making jokes/causing trouble or is quietly reading/taking a nap? It’s so random and spontaneous, and there’s a 50/50 chance of one or the other.
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
- Lucifer adores your quiet side since he doesn’t have to worry about keeping you out of trouble, but when your spontaneous side comes out, the Avatar of Pride is ready with a bottle of painkillers for his headache in one hand and whip in the other hand; he knows Mammon is going to be with you, and the whip will be useful to tie him up and hang him upside down.
- Sometimes he wonders how you have two such distinct personalities; usually, people are either quiet or troublemakers, but you are both. How?
- Though Lucifer will not admit it, he has a soft spot for you, just as he does for Mammon. You might be a troublemaker, but like Mammon, you brighten up the otherwise dull dorm.
- Whenever Mammon sees you, he hopes you’re in a spontaneous mood. He wants to joke around with you and play pranks.
- If he sees you reading or napping, he backs away slowly and makes a run for it. He tried to get along with your quiet side, but who likes staying put in one place without making a sound? Aside from Belphie or Satan. Not to mention you got mad at him for sneezing and disturbing your peace. Who gets mad at someone for sneezing? And he thought Lucifer was scary.
- Mammon loves your impulsive side though. You’re the only person he can rely on for helping him create chaos, be it for fun or as a distraction to help keep his family from fighting. You are his partner in crime, well at least 50% of the time, and he wouldn’t want it any other way, except to turn that 50% spontaneous to 100%.
- Beel is one of the few that likes both of your personalities and gets along with you either way.
- When you’re quietly reading, he sits next to you and eats continuously until you stop reading. If you’re napping, he will sit in front of the sofa or bed you’re on and try to join you in dreamland. Sometimes Beel likes to stare at you and notice how your expressions change; his favorite is when you smile in your sleep. He wonders what you are dreaming about, maybe your favorite food.
- If you’re in a spontaneous mood, Beel will watch you play pranks or wreak havoc from the sidelines. Though if you ask him for help, he will join in, but his job is mostly to keep you from getting into trouble. Beel doesn’t want Lucifer to get too upset with you; he worries that you may get sent back to the human world and he wouldn’t get to see you anymore.
- Belphie finds your spontaneous side exhausting, but he truly likes your quiet side.
- When you’re reading a book, he can curl up next to you or use your lap as a pillow, and if you’re taking a nap, he will happily join you. Though sometimes when you wake up, your spontaneous side kicks in, and Belphie wakes up with drawings on his face or shaving cream smeared on his clothes. The Avatar of Sloth gets a reminder of how tiring your spontaneous side is but somehow manages to go back to sleep, not caring about the pranks you pulled on him.
- Belphie would be lying if he said he hated your spontaneous side. He enjoys seeing the chaos you cause as long as it doesn’t involve him.
- Asmo finds your personality switch a bit frustrating, mainly because he isn’t sure which side he will catch. How can someone have a 50/50 chance of having two distinct personalities?
- Asmo prefers your quiet side a little more than your chaotic side. Usually, when you’re reading, he is buying makeup on Akuzon or trying out new makeup techniques. He also likes to watch you nap, of course not in a creepy way, but for some reason seeing your sleeping face helps him relax.
- The reason he isn’t fond of your spontaneous side is due to a prank you pulled on him a while back with Mammon. The two of you replaced all of Asmo’s makeup with food items; salt in his face powder, mayo in his concealer, and hot sauce in his lip gloss bottle. Asmo’s delicate lips burned for days, and his skin was in the worst condition possible. Oh, the horror this demon had to face.
- As much as it fascinates him, Satan doesn’t like the 50/50 chance; moreover, he doesn’t know which side he likes better.
- Does he like your quiet side that enjoys reading? Most definitely. The two of you can spend hours reading a book in tranquility. Not to mention that’s usually when Satan gets to spend quality time with you.
- Does he personally like your spontaneous side? No, he would much rather not have another Mammon running around the House of Lamentation. But does your chaotic side mean more trouble for Lucifer? Yes! Satan gets a kick out of the headache you and Mammon give to the eldest brother.
- Levi is afraid of your spontaneous side and wants to stay as far away from you as possible, especially after you developed a habit of jump scaring him around each corner of the House of Lamentation.
- Whenever Levi wants to get out of his room, he texts one of his brothers to ask which mood you’re in. If he learns you’re spontaneous, he prefers to stay in his locked room and only comes out at dinner time after confirming that you’re already at the dining table.
- He likes your quiet side though, especially when you walk into his room and read while he is playing games. Not only do you get to read in peace, but Levi gets to enjoy your company without having to stop gaming or watching animes.
- Diavolo started liking your spontaneous side after Lucifer told him about all the pranks you and Mammon pulled. Though the prince realized his friend had his hands full with you, he couldn’t help but laugh. “The House of Lamentation is as entertaining as ever.”
- Hoping to see your chaotic side, he called you to his castle but was shocked to see you well behaved. He wondered if your behavior had anything to do with his presence. Then, the prince learned that you had a 50/50 chance of having either a quiet or spontaneous side. How he was fascinated with you. Are all humans like this?
- Since then, whenever Diavolo learns that you’re in a chaotic mood, he sometimes sneaks out and helps you play pranks. He knows he’s a prince and has responsibilities, but his duties can take a toll on his happiness, and you spending time with him helps him destress.
- He is fond of your quiet side solely for the reason that he doesn’t have to go looking for Diavolo after learning that the prince snuck out once again to meet you. When you’re well behaved, he doesn’t have to worry about his lord running amuck.
- Your personality switch even stuns Barbatos. He finds your chaotic side to be amusing but feels sorry for Lucifer. Despite everything, Barb likes hearing stories about your pranks from Luci.
- He sometimes wonders what it feels like to live in the House of Lamentation. Who knows maybe one day his lord will suggest having a sleepover there, and he will get a glimpse of your chaotic side.
- Like Levi, Luke is afraid of your spontaneous side and prefers to spend time with your quiet side.
- The first time the young angel saw your chaotic personality, he was speechless and hid behind Simeon. How did his quiet friend turn into a prankster? Did the demons have something to do with this? Did someone put a spell on you? Luke looked like a confused puppy as he pondered over numerous questions.
- Whenever Simeon says you’re coming over, the first thing Luke asks is whether you’re quiet or chaotic. If he learns you’re quiet, he will bake dessert for you, but if he finds out you’re chaotic, he will run into his room, lock the door and hide under his bed.
- Simeon doesn’t mind either one of your sides. He likes you for who you are, and if you’re a 50/50 mix of chaotic and quiet, so be it.
- The angel enjoys spending time with your peaceful side. Nothing is better than having the peace to do what you want but also have company. When you’re chaotic, Simeon usually watches you closely to make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble. He won’t stop you from pulling a prank but will make sure you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else around you.
- Though whenever he invites you over to Purgatory Hall, he makes sure to check your mood with one of the brothers for Luke’s sake. He has a duty of watching over Luke, and he plans to see his duty through to the end.
- Solomon truly likes your chaotic side and gets a kick out of your pranks, but if you’re spending time with him, he prefers your quiet side, especially after that incident.
- You and Mammon pulled a prank on the brothers and were on the run from them. Both of you decided to hide in Purgatory Hall and ended up in Solomon’s room. When Satan smashed the bedroom door, you jumped back and knocked over a few flasks, filling the room with purple fog. When the fog cleared, all the people in the dorm had turned into walking, talking food items – everyone except Beel. All of you had to run from Beel for the rest of the day until Solomon figured out a way to reverse the spell.
- To this day, that was the most horrifying experience for brothers, angels, and you. No one speaks of the incident unless they want Satan to punch them into the last level of hell. Why? Because Beel nearly took a bite out of him.