Teen MC 13: All Grown Up

Prompt: Can I request for a small wholesome thing? it includes teenage MC growing up and going to college. how do the brothers react to MC having to not be in devildom for 4 – 5 years? By the way, they are still in touch by via calls/texts.

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Luci Banner HC
  • Lucifer is proud to see you starting your adult life after leaving Devildom but wishes you lived with them. Though he will never say it out loud, the Avatar of Pride misses you dearly and wants you back.
  • He calls you once daily to ask how you are doing. The entire time you’re talking to him, Lucifer studies your voice/face to make sure you really are okay. If he hears the slightest bit of cracking or sadness, he will not let you go until you tell him what happened.
  • Lucifer secretly monitors you just to make sure you’re safe. He knows you may get mad at him for spying on you, but he is willing to risk it for your safety.
  • He acts as an advisor and counselor to you, so if you need motivation, help studying, or anything else, Lucifer will be there for you.
  • Dating…if he learns/you tell him you are dating, Lucifer will give you a lecture. After that, he will tell you, “You are not allowed to party hard, spending the night with your partner, and don’t dare to think of crossing any lines. You are still young and romance can wait.”
  • Lucifer will act like a father and ask to talk to your partner alone. As soon as you leave the room, he will threaten them as nicely as possible to stay within their limits.
  • He is counting down the days until you return to Devildom and has planned a graduation party for you.
  • Mammon misses you a lot and even cries now and then. He also visits your room in the House of Lamentation every day. 
  • The Avatar of Greed messages you daily, and whenever he visits his witch “friends” in the human realm, he comes to check on you…from a distance. Mammon knows that if he comes face to face with you, he won’t let you go – not to mention, he doesn’t want you to see him in tears. 
  • He is happy when you tell him you are going to college and joking says, “Lend me money once ya get a job, ‘kay?”
  • He crosses each day of his calendar, counting down to your graduation. Why? Because you promised him you would come to Devildom once you graduate. 
  • On that day, Mammon will be waiting for you with open arms, ready to hug you and not let go. 
Levi HC Banner
  • Levi is devastated to see you leave Devildom and locks himself in his room for days. He only comes out once you call him and promise to contact him daily. 
  • He often plans anime “dates” with you where the two of you video chat while watching the same episode. 
  • Levi happily listens to all your college life stories as it makes him feel like he’s still part of your world. 
  • When Levi learns that you’re dating, he gets sad. He is insecure and thinks you will forget about him. As long as you assure him that he is an important part of your life, Levi will be okay with you dating.
  • If your partner happens to be a gamer or otaku, then he will consider befriending them. 
  • Levi is counting down the days to your return and has planned an anime night. He also has a mountain of gifts to give you…he meant to buy one…but each time, the gift was not good enough, so he brought more. 
Asmo HC Banner
  • Asmo is thrilled to see you grow up and even says, “My dear (y/n) is growing up so fast.” 
  • He messages/calls you a few times a week to update you about everything happening in Devildom and to ask about your life. Expect to spend hours on the phone with him. 
  • When he learns you are going to college, he is excited. Excited, not about the higher education, but about dating – you dating. 
  • If you find someone interesting, Asmo will help you plan out outfits for each date, and in exchange, you have to tell him all the details. 
  • He will give you any and every piece of advice you need, from making friends to handling dates, and more…yes, that more.
  • If Asmo learns that you are ready to cross limits with your partner, he will send you a gift basket containing safety products, toys, and lots of playful outfits. 
  • He has planned a graduation party, so the day you return to Devildom, prepare to party nonstop for hours or maybe days. 
Belphie HC Banner
  • Belphie doesn’t want you to leave, but he keeps his feelings to himself. He gifts one of his pillows and says to hug it when you miss him. 
  • He wants you to contact him daily, and if he doesn’t hear from you, he gets restless. 
  • Belphie tries to tutor/help with homework but always falls asleep while video chatting with you.
  • If he learns you’re not sleeping properly, the Avatar of Sloth will get upset. He would lecture you, but that requires too much energy; instead, he just says he’s worried about you. 
  • If you start dating, Belphie will not like it. He will tell you that you’re not at an age to worry about love. Honestly, he is worried that your human partner will hurt you, and he doesn’t want to see you in pain. 
  • Belphie is waiting for you to return to Devildom, and when you do, he plans to take a long nap with you. 
Beel HC Banner
  • When Beel learns that you are returning to your world, he bear-hugs you and says he won’t let you leave. It takes a lot of convincing, but eventually, he releases you and says his goodbyes. 
  • The Avatar of Gluttony calls you daily and reminds you to eat properly. He even sends pictures of the meals/snacks he is eating with the caption “wish you were here”. 
  • Beel asks you to visit Devildom during your holidays and gets upset when you say you’re busy. 
  • Eventually, he understands that you need to make progress in your life, but despite understanding, he still wants you to stay in Devildom. You are part of their family, and family sticks together. 
  • If Beel finds out that you started dating, he will befriend your partner and treat them like family. But if he feels that your partner is not proper, he will avoid talking to them. 
  • When you return to Devildom, Beel will be waiting for you with a mountain…well, a half-eaten mountain of food. 
Satan HC Banner
  • Satan is delighted when you tell him about your college plans, but he still can’t stop himself from wanting you back in Devildom. 
  • He contacts you few times a week, using “he’s worried about you” as an excuse to talk to you. 
  • The Avatar of Wrath helps you with studying/homework/projects and even acts as your tutor if needed. 
  • If/when Satan hears you like someone, he will tell you to focus on your studies. No boyfriend/girlfriend allowed! 
  • If by some miracle he supports you dating, Satan will keep an eye on your grades. He doesn’t want you to forgo your education, especially not for dating. 
  • When you return to Devildom, he will be waiting for you with “congrats” balloons and a gift basket. 
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