Teen MC 16: Chaotic & Soft

Prompt: Teen Mc who is usually chaotic, a prankster, usually just snaps a lot of pictures for seemingly no reason, just full on I want to have fun. How would the brothers and/or side boys (+luke) react to mc giving them a pop up book of all the things they did that year, and turns out all the pictures they were taking were for that one book? Teen Mc says that they see said character as a brother and want them to keep the sketchbook as a memory.

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Luci Banner HC
  • The entire time he thought you were a troublesome teen who loved wreaking havoc under the name of fun. But boy, was he wrong. He’s usually really good at reading people, so how did he end up misjudging you? Lucifer feels guilty.
  • He flips through the pages of the memory book, one by one, examining all the photos you took and remembering all the happy memories.
  • Oh, look, a photo of Mammon caught in a giant spider web – the expression on his face is priceless. The time when the younger four fell asleep while watching a movie – they look like puppies cuddled up to take a nap. The time when Levi dressed like Ruri-Chan, and Diavolo wanted a dress like that too.
  • A sinking feel begins to consume Lucifer. You are really leaving…after all this time, you are leaving Devildom. How will they manage to live without you? The House of Lamentation is going to feel empty.
  • “Luci, thank you for being such a good brother to me. I promise we will meet again. And when we do, you will be proud of me.”
  • “I will be looking forward to meeting you in the near future,” Lucifer closes the book, smiling gently. He rests a large hand on the top of your head to prevent you from seeing the sadness filling his eyes. “We will miss you…I will miss you…far more than you can imagine. Please take care of yourself, my dear. Until we meet again.”
  • Wait, so you are not a chaos-causing, fun-loving prankster? And Mammon thought he finally found someone just like him. Also, you were taking photos of the others for blackmailing purposes? Aw, and here he thought he could make some money. 
  • At first, he flips through the book like he is not interested, but the more pictures he sees, the more emotional Mammon gets. Why do you have to leave? He was just starting to get to know you. The Avatar of Greed closes the book and lowers his head. 
  • “Mammon, are you crying?” 
  • “No, who’s crying? I’m not. It’s not like I’m gonna miss ya or anythin’.” 
  • “Mammon, thank you for always looking out for me and protecting me. Thank you for being a good big brother. I promise we will meet again, and when we do, you will be very proud of me.” 
  • He throws his arms around you and tries his best to hold back his tears. “Take care of yourself, ‘kay? No takin’ too much stress, remember to eat, sleep and take breaks. If I’m in the human world, I’ll try to drop by. (Y/n), I’ll…miss ya.” 
Levi HC Banner
  • Levi never liked that you took photos of him, especially when he wasn’t expecting it. But you were doing all that for the sake of capturing memories for him?
  • As he looks through the scrapbook, Levi smiles, thinking back to all the days he spent with you. You were really leaving, weren’t you? He hoped it was a nightmare, but you were going back to your world, and that too, today.
  • “What did I do to deserve this?” 
  • His question comes as a surprise for you. “I know you don’t want me to leave, but I have to get back home…” 
  • Levi shakes his head and looks at you with moist eyes. “What did I do to deserve this gift? This…is the best gift anyone has ever given me. You even added Ruri-chan stickers!”
  • Relieved, you hug him and remind him to take care of himself along with various other things. “Lastly, Levi, no, big brother, thank you for being my friend. I promise to return to my world and make you proud!”
  • The Avatar of Envy is stunned that you think of him as a sibling but just as happy. “Let’s still try to play games and stream anime together. (Y/n), don’t forget me, okay? I will miss you.” 
Satan HC Banner
  • So he was right when he thought you might be taking photos for a reason, but Satan never expected you to make a memory book out of them. What a thoughtful idea. 
  • He truly admires the hard work you put into making him a scrapbook. “I will treasure this gift, and whenever I miss you, I will look through it. Thank you, (Y/n), for everything you have done for us. From bringing our family together, helping us, making us smile…we are sorry for depending on you all the time.”
  • As he talks to you, Satan’s grip on the book gets tighter and tighter. The painful realization of you leaving is hitting him harder than he thought it would. 
  • “(Y/n), I wish you didn’t have to leave. Is there anything we can do to convince you to stay?” 
  • “Sorry, but I want to leave…I want to return home and achieve my dreams. I want to work hard and make everyone, make you, proud of me.”
  • Satan is not expecting you to give him such a reason for leaving, but hearing those words from you, makes him proud. He already knows that you are a capable person and is looking forward to meeting you again and hearing about your achievements. 
Asmo HC Banner
  • Asmo knew it! Some of his brothers wouldn’t believe him when he said you were not a chaotic person and had a soft side. His brothers should listen to him more. 
  • The moment Asmo opens the first page, he is blown away by your photography skills. You got all his best angles! If he had known you were so good, he would have asked you to be his photographer.  
  • “(Y/n), thank you for giving us so many beautiful memories. Take care of yourself, and don’t forget to follow a proper skin routine.” Asmo gently hugs you and sighs. “I know this is not a permanent goodbye, but it’s difficult to see you leaving.”
  • “I feel the same way, big brother, but I am going to make you proud of calling me your friend.” 
  • Brother? Is that what you think of him? How adorable. The corners of his lips tug up as he watches you walk away while blinking away tears. “Come back soon, my dear…don’t make your big brother wait too long.”   
Beel HC Banner
  • Beel doesn’t want to say goodbye to you, as saying bye to a family member is painful. The second he sees you, the Avatar of Glutton says, “No saying bye. We will meet again – you are only saying bye for a little while.” 
  • “Right, no byes,” you smile and hand him the book. “This is for you.” 
  • As Beel looks through the photos, a mixture of happiness and pain fills his heart. The memories in the book are some of the best, but at the same time, it hurts him to think he won’t be able to create more memories with you – at least for a while. 
  • “Beel, I am sorry for leaving, but I want to achieve my dreams. I want to make you proud of me and will work hard.” 
  • He shakes his head and ruffles your hair, “Don’t say sorry. Family members support each other in their decisions, and I support you. Don’t forget to eat…and take care. Until we meet again, (y/n).” 
Belphie HC Banner
  • Belphie doesn’t want to see you go and wishes he could convince you to stay. But when he hears you talk about wanting to make him proud and achieve your dreams, he gives up. Besides, you called him a brother, so how can he be selfish? 
  • “Oh, and Belphie this is for you. A little parting gift.” 
  • The Avatar of Sloth is not expecting a photobook through. Well, that explains all the camera clicks he heard when he was sleeping. 
  • “Thanks for the gift, and thanks…for everything you have done for me, Beel, and the others. We couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Work hard to achieve your dreams but know that I am already proud of you.” 
  • Belphie gives you a warm hug and strokes the back of your head. “We will be waiting for you…take your time, but don’t take too long. Bye, (y/n)…I will miss you.” 
Simeon HC Banner
  • Ah, so that’s the reason you always brought your camera along everywhere you went. The angel thought it might be for your social media, but a pop-up memory book is such a nice idea.
  • As Simeon looks through the pages of the book, a warmth spreads in his chest. The time he spent with you and the others in Devildom is by far the best time of his life. The angel wishes that these good times would last longer, but alas, you have to return to the Human Realm and he to Celestial.
  • “Simeon, I always saw you as an older brother. Thank you for always being there for me and having my back. I will miss you, but we will meet again. I promise to work hard, so when you see me again, you will be proud of me!”
  • “(Y/n), you have matured so much in your time here. I am already very proud of you.” His lips curl upwards as he wipes away the tears collecting in the corners of his eyes. “My apologies, your words made are making me rather emotional. Thank you for this beautiful memory book. I will treasure it.”
  • The two do you share a hug, but as you walk away, Simeon calls out. “Take care of yourself, (y/n), and know that I will be watching over you from the Celestial Realm.”
Luke HC Banner
  • Luke already knew you were not a chaotic ball of energy – everyone, except demons, has a good side to them, and you are no exception! 
  • Even before you hand him the book, the angel hugs you while trying to hold the tears in his eyes, “I…thought I wouldn’t get to say goodbye to you before leaving.” 
  • “Luke, are you crying?” 
  • “N-No!” He releases you and averts his eyes, “I got something in my eyes.” 
  • Chuckling, you hand him the pop-up book. “For you, my dear little brother. This is not a final goodbye. We will meet again. I plan to work hard and become a successful person – you will be very proud of me.” 
  • A bright smile appears on his lips when he hears you refer to him as a brother. The smile only gets wider as he looks through the photos. “I will always treasure this gift! Thank you, (Y/n). I will also work hard, become a strong angel, and make you proud! Oh, I will learn a lot of new recipes and make them for you next time.” 
Solomon HC Banner
  • Just when Solomon thinks you can’t surprise him more, you hand him the scrapbook and show him your soft side. 
  • He can’t stop smiling the entire time he flips through the book. So many things happened, and just when everyone is starting to settle in, it’s time to leave. “Our life is going to be so dull when we return to our world.” 
  • “Yeah, but I’m looking forward to it.” 
  • Solomon closes the book and curiously looks at you as if asking you for an explanation. 
  • “I will miss everyone here and miss you the most…I didn’t think I would meet another human here. Sometime during the year, I started to see you as an older brother. The way you helped me, inspired me, and stood by my side…thank you, Solomon. I want to return to the human world so that I can make a name for myself, and in turn, make you proud.”
  • The sorcerer smiles and rests his hand on your shoulder. “I will look forward to seeing your achievements. We will meet again in our world, and if you ever need my help, I am one call away. Work hard to fulfill your dreams, (y/n), and never give up.”    
Diav HC Banner
  • Is it that time already? How he was looking forward to getting to know you better, but…it’s the end of the program. 
  • Diavolo thanks you for the gift and skims through the first few pages with a grin. “Thank you for the thoughtful gift. I always felt left out whenever I heard stories of the brothers’ adventures, but now thanks to you, I get to see some of their adventures. (Y/n), thank you for all that you have done for Devildom. I apologize for not spending as much time with you, but I will miss you.” 
  • “Diavolo, the time I spent with you meant a lot to me. I hope it’s okay saying this, but I always thought of you as an older brother.” 
  • The prince is taken aback by your confession, but he couldn’t be happier. “Then, from today onward, I am your older brother. Take care of yourself, and I hope to see you soon.” 
  • “The next time we meet, I will have stories to tell you – stories that will make you proud of me.” 
  • “I look forward to hearing them.” Diavolo smiles warmly and wishes you farewell with a heavy heart. Devildom is not going to be the same without you. 
Barb HC Banner
  • Goodbyes were never difficult for him until now. He is going to miss cooking for you, seeing your bright smile, and most of all, spending time with you. 
  • “Barb, I am going to miss you a lot.” As you explain to him your desire to make him proud and fulfill your dreams, the butler listens with a smile. “Thank you for always taking care of me, giving me lots of delicious food…and being a brother to me. Here, this is a little gift I made for you.” 
  • An odd warm sensation spreads through his heart. Is this what humans refer to fuzzy feelings? This feeling only gets stronger as Barbatos examines the memory book. 
  • “Thank you for this lovely gift. I shall treasure it. (Y/n), do your brother proud and work hard to achieve your dream, but do take care of yourself. I shall await your return.” 
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