Teen MC 17: Younger Sister
Prompt: Can I request for the demon brothers, Diavolo, and Solomon? I would love to see their reactions for teen little sister (15-16 y), how would them spend time with her, or even how they would be overprotective if someone bully them.
Gender: fem!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.

- You are his precious little angel, even if you don’t have an angelic personality. Compared to demons, you will always be an angel.
- Satan is ready to help you in any and every matter, especially when it comes to education and studying. You will never get bad grades with Satan around.
- He is very overprotective of you because he worries about you. Saying that, he won’t control your decisions and life, but he will stop you from doing things that will cause harm to you. He sometimes tries to sway your mind if he knows your decision will lead to pain or hurt.
- If anyone dares to put as much as a finger on you, Satan will rip them apart. If they dare to bully you, they will be ripped apart. If they verbally hurt you, they will be ripped apart. But Satan will tell you to close your eyes and ears before he does anything.
- Dating? That can wait. Why not focus on achieving your other dreams first? Romance doesn’t always lead to happiness, which can leave many scars. So, Satan wants you to wait, mainly until your hormones stabilize a little.
- Overall, he will mentor you and always push you to do and try your best while appreciating your efforts and achievements, no matter how small they are.

- You are Belphie’s most precious treasure – a treasure he will do anything for and go to any lengths to protect. Just don’t ask him to forgo his sleep.
- He is supportive and encouraging. You want to try something new? Go for it. You want to learn something new? You can do it! His older brothers say you can’t do something? He gives you permission and has your back. As long as you don’t do anything to hurt yourself, Belphie will support your every decision.
- The only things he asks for in return are affection and permission to use your shoulder as a pillow.
- He is the most passive of all the brothers, so you can get away with almost everything around him.
- But when it comes to dating, Belphie puts his foot down and says no. It’s not that he opposed you finding someone or having a dating life, but you are still young. Romance is something you shouldn’t worry about for a while, especially physical romance.
- Overall, he is a passive, caring, protective, and supportive brother. Since he is the youngest of the brothers, he is used to being spoiled, and Belphie will spoil you in a similar manner.

- You might be his little sister, but you are no exception, so he will treat you like he treats his brothers. Levi will usually maintain distance, but if you want to play video games or watch anime, he will gladly join you.
- If you ‘break’ into his room to spend time with him, he wouldn’t be opposed to it. It’s not that he doesn’t want to spend time with you, but he just doesn’t want to ask – that would be a normie thing to do.
- You occasionally get special treatment from him. He shops (online) for you, gives you gifts, makes time for you, and if you make any mistakes, like touching his figurines, Levi won’t be as mad at you.
- Unlike his brothers, Levi doesn’t interfere much in your life unless the word ‘dating’ is mentioned. His take on you dating is a big NO. People are mean, and they can’t be trusted. Levi doesn’t want you to get hurt at your age (and in general). Leave all the romance and love for when you become a responsible adult.
- Overall, Levi is a cool but distant brother who doesn’t interfere much in your life. He leaves all that hard work to his other brothers, namely Lucifer.

- He is more like a parent than a sibling. So, if you think you can get away with a lot of things around him, think again.
- While Solomon is protective of you but gives you freedom. He prefers you learn things the hard way by trial and error. He will guide you in the right direction, but the decisions are yours to make. He will warn you, but it’s your choice to heed his words or figure things out yourself. It’s not that he wants to be mean to you, but he wants to make you capable of living an independent lifestyle and making thoughtful decisions.
- Solomon also enjoys pulling pranks on you, so be prepared. If you also like to pull pranks, be extra prepared. Who knows, you might just wake up in the middle of the night and find your bed levitating in the middle of nowhere with nothing but darkness underneath.
- Dating? Don’t even think of bringing that word up around him. He might just make you wear a chastity belt if you do. No dating. No romance. Definitely no physical contact of any sort.
- Overall, Solomon is the most protective and strictest out of everyone on the list. He had dealt with enough humans and demons to know what kind of beings are out there.

- Asmo would spoil you to no end! You are his little princess, and he is going to treat you like one.Â
- He will shop for you, even if you don’t want him to. Expect him to shower you with gifts almost every single day.Â
- Asmo will do your hair, nails, makeup, take you to the spa, shopping, and even put on fashion shows with you – no matter your fashion style.Â
- He is the only demon on the list who will be okay with you talking about dating; in fact, he will encourage you to think more about romance. What’s life without a little romance? Yes, he will point out people he thinks you would like, and if you want to date someone, Asmo will take full responsibility to help you win your love interest’s heart.Â
- If someone bullies you, Asmo will first ask the bully to stop. If they don’t listen, your brother will opt for verbal attacks. Asmo knows words can hurt more than fists.Â
- He is the type of brother who would not put any restrictions on you, help you sneak out, get away with certain things, and shower you with all the affection and gifts in the world.Â

- Similar to Asmo, Beel will shower you with a lot of love and spoil you but with food. If you like food, great, but if you are health conscious, Beel will help you exercise, so sit back and enjoy the food you want.Â
- He is also a chill brother who doesn’t mind you dating or talking about people you like. As long as you let him meet the person you want to date, Beel is happy. Just don’t hide anything from him unless you want to upset him.Â
- He worries a lot about you, so if you plan to stay away from the House of Lamentation for a few hours, Beel wants you to let him know where you are. He’s content with a text message and will not bother you every hour asking you where you are. He’s protective but not overprotective.Â
- But if he learns that someone is hurting you, the Avatar of Gluttony will not stand idle – that person will pay for physically or verbally hurting you.Â
- Overall, he is the brother who will be protective, love you to no end, spoil you with food, and constantly worry about you.Â

- The most protective brother on the list – borderline overprotective. Lucifer will always worry when you are away from the House of Lamentation unless one of his responsible brothers is with you.Â
- Considering you are one sister between his six brothers, you will automatically become his favorite. If any of the brothers do anything to you, they will be punished. If they make you cry, they will be severely punished. And if they dare to do something you don’t like, they will be punished.Â
- Lucifer has his strict moments, but honestly, if you bend any rules or pull pranks, he will let you get away with it. As long as you don’t hurt yourself in any way or do something dangerous, you will not get into trouble. Can you sense some of the other brothers glaring at you?
- He will spoil you senseless – Lucifer will give you a limitless credit card, so do or buy whatever makes you happy. Just make sure Mammon doesn’t get his hands on your credit card.Â
- He will NOT let anyone hurt, bully, or talk down to you. If any demon dares to do so, they will lose their life unless you stop Lucifer from hurting them. Let’s just say most of the demons in Devildom know you are Lucifer’s sister and will not mess with you.
- Dating? Hahahaha. Not allowed! You are far too young, and romance can wait.Â
- Overall, he is the overprotective brother who will let you get away with almost anything, love you to no end, and do anything that makes you happy. Also, he is the best at giving advice and listening to all your problems.Â

- Overprotective, even more so than Lucifer. Why? Because he is worried that you will get hurt or someone will hurt you.Â
- Mammon would spoil you, except he accidentally gambled away all his money and is now in debt. Will that stop him from getting you whatever you want? No. That’s what Goldie is there for. If all else fails, Mammon will get a few extra jobs and work hard, but he won’t tell you this.
- He will help you pull any pranks you want, sneak out as long as he is allowed to go with you, and if you mess up, he will take the blame on himself. He is there to be your shield in every which way.Â
- You think someone in Devildom is cute? Great. Admire them from a distance. You want to date them? Sure, if you let him come along with you. No way you are going on a date alone, especially not at your age. Trying to sneak out? Not happening. He knows all the secret ways to get out of the House of Lamentation, so he will find you.Â
- You want to go party? Sure. If he can tag along with you, but don’t worry, he won’t stick close to you. Mammon wants you to have fun with your friends, so he will watch from afar.Â
- Having a bad day or want to talk about something? Mammon will always lend you an ear and listen to all your complaints, pains, and problems. He may not be the smartest, but he will do his best to help you out.Â
- All Mammon asks for is your affection in return. He doesn’t want anything else.Â
- In short, the Avatar of Greed is a chill but overprotective brother who can’t help but always think of the what-if scenarios when you are involved.Â

- Diavolo would spoil you the most compared to any demon in Devildom – he’s a prince, after all. He will get you everything you ever want, help you in any way, and hire anyone and everyone to help you with whatever you need.Â
- If he isn’t busy, you can be sure he spends time with you. If he has a lot of work, Diavolo will at least try to have dinner with you. If all else fails, he asks you to sit in his office and do whatever you want.
- He is concerned about your safety but is not overprotective. However, if you want to go out at night or to a dangerous area, Diavolo will ask Lucifer or Barbatos to accompany you.Â
- He will do anything to make you happy – give him something impossible, and he will find a way to get it for you. You will be spoiled to the max and probably be envied by everyone in Devildom.Â
- If the prince learns that someone is bullying or hurting you…first of all, just why? Why would any demon want to mess with THE Prince of Devildom’s sister? If there is someone stupid enough, well, in short, they are not getting away with it. Diavolo may be a sweet man, but messing with his family is something he will not take lightly.Â
- Overall, he is the sweetest brother who will make any wish come true, let you get away with most things, and spoil you to no end. Just no dating allowed. Since you are his sister, he knows people will try to use you to get power, and honestly, Diavolo is not okay with that.Â