Teen MC 18: Trauma

Prompt: Can I please request the brother’s reacting to a teen MC turning into a child and having a backstory, trauma, and personality like Kayo from Erased? 

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

Warning: Mentions of kidnapping, abusive parent, and past trauma/scars.

A/N: Platonic.

Luci Banner
  • Lucifer was quick to notice that your personality seemed different from your teen version. He would have brushed it aside as character development had it not been for your lifeless eyes. 
  • He tried to talk to you and ask questions, but that only seemed to scare you more. So, he did what any adult does to get a child to cooperate – bribe with gifts and sugar. 
  • Lucifer was not expecting to see you in tears. The Avatar of Pride doesn’t get moved by much, but hearing you say, “No one gave me gifts before,” touched him. 
  • After finding out everything that happened to you, he was livid. How could a parent treat their child in that manner? If they couldn’t take care of a child, they shouldn’t have had one in the first place, and that kidnapper, if Lucifer could meet him face to face, he would make that man suffer to the point where he wished for death. 
  • The Avatar of Pride was going to find a way to return you to your teen version, but until then, he was going to spoil you senseless. He may not have been able to help you the first time around, but Lucifer was going to do his best to make your child-self happy. 
  • Once you do turn back, he becomes even more protective of you but doesn’t stop spoiling you. He is not going to let anyone hurt you like that ever again. 
Mammon Banner
  • After seeing your tiny version, Mammon was too busy panicking to notice the fear in your eyes. 
  • How did things end up this way? The two of you were talking, and suddenly you shrunk! Lucifer was going to hang him from the ceiling…wait, why do you look so scared of him?
  • “Stop lookin’ at me like I’m goin’ to hurt ya or somethin’. Don’t tell me you forgot me. H-Hey, (y/n), I’m not gonna hurt ya…c’mere and lemme hug you.” 
  • When Mammon brought his arms closer to you and saw you flinch, he was shocked. He didn’t know why, but something was not right. 
  • It took him a few hours to gain your trust, but he eventually got you to talk about your past. Abusive parent, kidnapping, loneliness, near-death experience…who would have guessed? No wonder you didn’t like to talk about your past. 
  • Mammon hugged you close and cried with you. “I’m sorry for not bein’ there for you, but I’ll stay by your side from now on. I ain’t gonna let anyone hurt you.” 
  • As long as you stayed a child, he showered you with hugs and gifts daily. Even after you turn back to your teen self, Mammon doesn’t stop giving you hugs and gifts. He feels closer to you after learning about your past, and if Mammon ever sees you sad, he stays glued to your side until you cheer up. 
  • Eh? EHHH? Why did you turn into a chibi? 
  • Levi went into full panic mode but froze when he saw you blankly staring at him. He took a moment to examine your face and was shocked. Why was there no light in your eyes, and why did you seem numb?
  • He attempted to talk to you in vain. How was he supposed to get you to talk? The Avatar of Envy tried various things to gain your trust – dressed up like Ruri-chan and danced, handed you some of his collectible items, and even shared his limited edition Ruri-chan cookie with you. 
  • “Why are you being nice to me?”
  • Your blunt question came as a shock to him, but Levi answered honestly, “I c-care about you. You are my only friend and the only person who understands me.” 
  • That was enough to get you to open up to him, and Levi was furious to the point where he nearly summoned Lotan. Despicable and lowly humans. How could they do those things to you? Aren’t they supposed to have a heart? Then why do they sound more demonic than demons? How he wished he could have ordered Lotan to destroy everyone who hurt you. 
  • “I…am angry. You didn’t deserve any of that pain, but you still had to suffer. No more. You are safe now…and we won’t – I won’t let anyone hurt you. If they try, I will summon Lotan on them. S-So, don’t be scared…Levi, your big brother, is here for you.” 
  • Whenever you needed him, he kept his promise to be by your side. Once you return to your original age, Levi still acts like your big brother and protects you. With him by your side, you don’t have to worry about much – except maybe dealing with a flood when he summons Lotan out of anger.
Satan Banner
  • Initially, Satan started to think about what could have caused you to suddenly turn into a child, but after seeing your distant expression, he became curious about your past. You never once talked about your childhood; in fact, whenever someone brought up the topic, he noticed you would immediately change the subject. 
  • The Avatar of Wrath could tell right away that you were nothing like your teen self, and from your eyes and expressions, you had been through some trauma. He knew questioning you wouldn’t work, so the first thing he did was try to gain your trust. 
  • Satan slowly made you comfortable, then started bringing out his cat toys, headbands, cookies, and—why were you staring at him in shock? Was this the first time someone was nice to you? He began to question you, and though you started crying, you told him everything. 
  • Had you not been in his room in tears, Satan would have lost his cool. How could anyone treat a child, let alone their child, this way? Cowards. Are the creature of the Human Realm that cruel? Weren’t they supposed to think of children as a gift from God and a bundle of joy, so why would the adults stoop that low and hurt them? How fake. 
  • Setting his anger aside, Satan held his arms out for you. “I can’t change your past, but I promise to make you happy. Even when you return to your teen self, I will keep that promise. Will you let me be your guardian and trust me?” 
  • Satan watched you run into his arm and held you in a warm embrace. You had endured more than enough pain for a lifetime, and now, all you deserve is happiness.
Asmo Banner
  • Asmo couldn’t stop “aww”-ing at how cute and pocket-sized you looked. He wanted to dress you up and have a fashion show with you, take you out for sweets, and spoil you like royalty. 
  • But why were you looking at him that way? Every time he tried to step closer to you, you would back away. If you were scared of him, why were your expressions blank? 
  • “Sweetie, what’s wrong? Oh, do you not remember me? I won’t hurt you, don’t worry!” 
  • “Stay away from me. People only know how to hurt me.”
  • Those words were a red flag to Asmo, but it only made him want to know more about you. He could have tried his charm magic, but he didn’t want to risk making you feel uncomfortable; instead, using his sweet words, Asmo got information about your past out of you. 
  • He doesn’t get angry often, but the people from your past made him furious. Everything made sense to him — you not wanting to get close to any of them when you came to Devildom, you saying trusting people is hard for you, and you flinching every time the brothers got too close. 
  • You didn’t have the childhood you deserved, and Asmo was going to make sure to spoil you. He showered you with countless gifts, affection, and words of praise and never forgot to remind you that he cares about you. Even after you turn back to your age, Asmo continues to spoil you. 
  • Beel thought you looked adorable, but he didn’t want to risk scaring you. 
  • He didn’t notice anything different about you and just took your blank stare as if you did not remember him. 
  • The Avatar of Gluttony did not question you, nor did he try to talk to you; instead, he went straight to the kitchen and returned with a mountain of snacks. Beel signaled you to come and join him with a warm smile. 
  • “I can eat…whatever I want?” 
  • He nodded, thinking you would be happy to hear that, but Beel never expected to see you crying. “D-Don’t cry. I’m sorry if I said or did something to scare you…sorry. W-Would you like a hug?” 
  • His innocence was enough to draw you towards him and straight into his arms. Though he didn’t ask, you ended up telling Beel about your past, and he was upset. Why would family hurt family? Why wouldn’t they give you food? He couldn’t understand the concept of abusive family members who would actively want to see their own suffering. 
  • “(Y/n), you are part of my family. I don’t know why your family hurt you, but in my family, we look out for each other. No one is going to hurt you here, and you can eat whatever you want. If someone tries to hurt you or take your food, tell me, and I will make them pay.” 
Belphie Banner
  • Belphie chuckled when he saw how tiny you were, and he immediately thought about taking a nap with you. Kids like naps, right? But the more he stared, the more he realized that the air about you was completely opposite of your teen self. It was almost like someone drained the energy and life out of you. 
  • Initially, he didn’t want to be nosy, but his curiosity about your past was growing by the minute. At the same time, Belphie had a feeling that he wasn’t going to like whatever you were going to tell him.
  • It took him a few hours to get you to talk to him, and though he was tired, he felt one step closer to learning about your past. Slowly but surely, he found out about everything you went through, and Belphie’s anger skyrocketed. All the hatred he once felt towards humans returned tenfold. Not all humans deserved hatred, but some were beyond vile. 
  • He had to force himself to stop thinking about that and focus on you. Why didn’t you tell him all of this before? He was sure you trusted him, so why did you hide your past from him?
  • As you curled up next to him and slept peacefully, Belphie made a silent promise to protect you. Even when you return to your teen self, even when you leave Devildom, if you choose to do so, and even when you get old, Belphie will continue to stay by your side and ensure your happiness. However, be prepared because when he sees you as an old person, Belphie won’t shy away from playfully chuckling at how wrinkly you look. 
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