Teen MC 19: Perfect
Prompt: How would the boys react to a teen Mc who tries hard to be perfect, works extremely hard when studying, always gets perfect grades, and cares a ton about their appearance and personality? Assume that they are confident, a little arrogant at times, calm, and seemingly self-assured.
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
- Diavolo is very impressed by your dedication and hard work. He has a good laugh thinking back to the time when he worried about you not doing well at RAD.
- The students and everyone around you could learn a thing or two from you.
- But at the same time, Diav wishes you would relax and let loose once in a while. Studying is important, but you are in Devildom, so you might as well explore and have fun.
- He thinks you would make a great member of the student council. If only some of the council members were as hard-working as you. It would make things so much easier for him, Lucifer, and Barbatos.
- Barb is very intrigued by you and finds himself drawn to your dedication. He admires your personality, but what he likes the most is your calm nature. If you can remain calm in any situation, you always have the upper hand.
- He is all for hard work, but there are times when he thinks you are pushing yourself more than necessary. Moreover, he is worried that your confidence might someday turn into overconfidence, especially considering your arrogant side. He hopes that never happens, but once someone thinks they have attained perfection, they tend to look down on others.
- Barbatos agrees with his young master and thinks you would make a wonderful addition to the student council. Maybe one day, assuming you are ready to take on the challenge.
- Simeon thinks you would be a good fit for the Celestial Realm. Not only that, but you would make a perfect angel and would get the title of archangel in no time.
- He is impressed with you, to say the least.
- At the same time, Simeon worries about you. Are you really like this, or are you putting up a face for everyone? It’s rare to find humans who tend to aim for perfection to that point…and perfection for a human is an unattainable goal.
- Regardless, he thinks you are a great influence on everyone, especially Luke.
- Luke looks up to you as a role model.
- But, sometimes, he is a bit scared of you, specifically scared of how calm you can be in certain situations.
- He sometimes wonders if you are a human. Are you hiding something, or are you part only half-human? He isn’t too familiar with the human race, but from what he has seen, you are very different from the others.
- Whenever he needs help with anything, the angel comes straight to you, especially for study-related help.
- And here he thought he was the only human who wanted to strive for perfection. It looks like he finally met his match.
- Solomon is proud of you for wanting to be perfect at everything, but at the same time, he wishes you would give yourself a little break.
- You are already amazing as you are, so there is no need for you to try to be perfect.
- Lucifer is extremely proud of you for putting effort into everything you do. On top of that, you are a good influence on his brothers.
- But he knows better than anyone how difficult it is to be perfect. His pride refuses to let go of perfection, and in turn, he always feels stressed.
- He dearly hopes that you never make it to that point. Lucifer will keep a close eye on you, and the second he notices you pushing yourself beyond your limits, he will have a talk with you.
- Mammon doesn’t understand your desire to strive for perfection. Why would anyone want to be perfect? Everyone has flaws, and those flaws are what make people…well, people. Not even angels are perfect.
- Whether you like it or not, Mammon will find ways to distract you from working too hard. Even if you lash out at him, and even if you hate him, he won’t stop.
- He is worried about you and wants you to take breaks. Most of all, Mammon wants you to have a little fun.
- Levi is very insecure around you and won’t spend a lot of time with you.
- Being in your presence only makes him feel more useless, and his mind won’t stop coming up with “what if” scenarios.
- Though there are times when he invites you to play games with him, fully thinking you will say no. Who would want to spend time with him anyway? Definitely not someone who likes perfectionism.
- Satan truly admires you for your dedication, confidence, and ability to think calmly. He enjoys spending time with you and holding intelligent conversations.
- But the moment he learns you are striving for perfection, he becomes concerned. Perfection is not something any living creature can attain, not in Devildom, not in the Celestial Realm, and definitely not in the Human Realm.
- He is curious to know why you are so hell-bent on being perfect. Were you like this as a child, or did something happen in your life?
- Asmo likes that you care about your appearance – to him, that means you love yourself – but he wishes you would have a little fun.
- Working hard to maintain good grades is one thing, but giving up fun for hard work is not healthy. Hard work stresses the mind, while having fun relaxes it.
- He thinks it’s ironic that you care about yourself so much, but at the same time, you are putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on your mind. So, do you honestly care about yourself, or are you trying to hide your true self under a perfectionist mask?
- Perfection or not, he doesn’t care; in his eyes, everyone is beautiful in their own way, and grades don’t define a person. What Beel cares about is how you treat him and his brothers.
- If he sees you working too hard, Beel will bring you snacks and ask you to take a break. If he sees you are pushing yourself to unattainable perfection, he will remind you that you are great just the way you are.
- He, however, likes that you are calm. The House of Lamentation has a lot of chaotic people and doesn’t need any more.
- Belphie thinks you need to take a chill pill – a nap or two would do you good.
- You like to work hard, great. You care about your appearance and personality, great. But your desire to be perfect? No one in this universe can be perfect, so stop putting pressure on your mind.
- Belphie thinks you are a great person even if you don’t try to be perfect. Just take a deep breath, relax, and stop trying to aim for perfection.