Teen MC 21: Coming Out
Prompt: Can I request a female teen MC coming out as lesbian and their reactions?
Gender: fem!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic.

“Luci, there’s something I have to tell you. Do you have time?”
“Of course,” he sat his pens down and gave you his undivided attention.
“I…um…this is very difficult for me to say out loud, but…I can’t hide it anymore,” you clutched your fists and bit one corner of your lips. Though you told yourself everything would be okay, you still couldn’t stop feeling nervous.
Lucifer quietly studied your body language before getting up from his chair and sitting on his desk in front of you. He wasn’t sure what you wanted to say, but he could tell it was important. “(Y/n), open your eyes. You haven’t the need to be nervous. Take as much time as you require, but first, take a deep breath.”
“Luci, I…I…am,” you drew in a breath and met his eyes, “I like females…I am a lesbian.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows raised momentarily, but soon, a smile tugged on his lips. “I see. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. Don’t be surprised, (y/n). Everyone has the right to love who they want.”
He rested his hand on your head and gently stroked it, “I’m proud of you for being courageous and opening up.”

Mammon opened the door to your room without knocking and ran inside. He held out his hands in front of you, showing you two ice cream cones, and exclaimed, “(Y/n), I got your favorite flavor!”
It took him a minute to realize that your face looked dull and your eyes were red like you had been crying. Mammon sat aside the paper-wrapped cones and kneeled in front of you. “Why…were you cryin’ alone in your room? Are you injured? Did someone hurt ya?”
You shook your head and contemplated telling him the truth, but this was Mammon…he always looked out for you and protected you. There was no need for you to be uncomfortable, as he was going to accept you no matter what.
“Mammon, I want to tell you the truth about me – a truth that I am afraid to say out loud. I…am different…”
You paused, giving the Avatar of Greed the perfect opportunity to talk, “Of course, you’re different. You’re amazin’, and you’ve got a beautiful heart.”
His compliment made you smile and added a bit of confidence. “Mammon, I like females. I am a lesbian.”
“You were scared to admit that to me? I still think you’re amazin’ with a beautiful heart. Actually,” he took hold of both your hands and grinned, “I think you’re even more amazin’ than before. You pushed aside your fears and told me somethin’ you were scared to admit. That’s somethin’ only an amazin’ person can do.”
You giggled and squeezed his hand, “Thanks, Mammon. You’re pretty amazin’ too.”
“I’m not Mammon the Great for nothin’, ya know? Wanna eat the ice cream before it melts?”
As you enjoyed the treat, the Avatar of Greed watched you with content. “(Y/n), don’t cry by yourself. Come talk to me, ‘kay? Mammon the Great’ll be there for ya whenever you need him.”

Levi saw you shifting restlessly in your chair and thought you were trying to find a comfortable position. Then, he saw you continuously tapping your foot on the floor, and on top of that, you were breathing audibly. He paused the game, took off his headphones, and turned his head to you. “Um…a-are you okay?”
You considered nodding your head but couldn’t stay silent any longer. Keeping the secret to yourself had caused you enough stress and anxiety, and you needed support from someone you could trust.
“No, I am not okay. Levi…I…I need to tell you something,” you mumbled as tears collected in your eyes. “I am a…les-les…a lesbian.”
“Eh? EH? You are telling ME this? Wait, did you tell anyone else?” He pressed his back firmly against his chair and stared with wide eyes.
“N-No, I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You sank into your chair, not expecting to get that sort of reaction from him.
“Un-Uncomfortable? N-No, I-I am happy. You told me before anyone else, and that makes me feel special. Why are you still nervous? Would you like a h-hug?” Levi held up his arms out for you.
Nodding, you moved your chair closer to his and accepted his warm hug. A smile tugged on his lips as he held you gently, “T-Thank you for opening up to me. I am here for you. Don’t forget that, okay?”

As soon as you walked into his bedroom, Satan knew you were there to have a serious talk with him. From your nervous movements, he assumed either you did something you were not supposed to or you wanted to tell him a secret. He patted the empty spot next to him and closed his book to give you his undivided attention.
“(Y/n), may I ask what’s on your mind?”
Satan’s voice was more gentle than usual and gave you a sense of comfort. Sitting next to him, you nodded, “If I tell you a secret…do you promise not to tell anyone else?”
“Of course. You can trust me.”
“I…will try to get straight to the point.” You closed your eyes, inhaled, and in one breath, you poured your heart, “For the longest time, I have been hiding a secret from everyone. I was too scared to admit it because I didn’t know how people would react to it. Satan, I am scared to say, but I’m a lesbian.”
“You have no reason to be scared, (y/n). There is nothing wrong with being honest about your orientation.” You opened your eyes to find Satan smiling genuinely, “There are people who will not understand, but that’s their problem. They are simply narrowminded. You do you, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
He affectionately ruffled your hair, his smile only getting wider. “I hope you plan to tell the others this. Trust me when I say they will happily accept you for who you are.”

“Hi, sweetie~ sorry for being a little late,” Asmo said as he hurried down the staircase. “Why are you sitting here all alone? Did something happen?”
He took a seat next to you on the second last step and worriedly gazed at your face. One look was enough to tell him something was definitely up – you kept fidgeting with the sleeves of your jacket, your smile was forced, and your breathing was unstable.
“(Y/n), you know you can tell me anything, right? I’m here for you, and no matter what you say, I will always be there for you.”
His kind words gave you the push you needed, and you opened your heart to him. “I am scared to admit this, but…um…I am attracted to females and have been for a long time.”
“Sweetie,” Asmo gasped before throwing his arms around you, “that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you right now. Why were you nervous to tell me? You know I flirt with everyone, right? I could care less about their gender~ if I like them, I flirt with them.”
“So, you support me then?”
The Avatar of Lust smiled sweetly, “Out of one hundred percent, I support you one thousand percent.”

Beel was happily munching on his snacks until he saw you staring at the ground. He wasn’t sure why, but your expression made him feel uneasy. Setting aside his food, the Avatar of Gluttony got up from his sofa, sat down next to you, and lightly touched your shoulder. “(Y/n)?”
“Hm?” You saw him looking at you with concern and forced a small smile, “Sorry for zoning out, Beel. I’m okay.”
“I don’t know why, but I don’t think you’re okay. If you are not feeling well, I can take you to the doctor.”
You turned your body to face him and shook your head, “There is no need for that. Beel, the truth is…I like women, not men. By like, I mean, I am attracted to women.”
Your muscles tensed for a moment at how easily you opened your heart to Beel; meanwhile, he stared at you blankly. Unsure of what he was feeling, you asked him if you made him uncomfortable.
“I’m not uncomfortable, but why were you thinking about this so intensely?”
“In the Human Realm, a lot of people think women should love men, not other women. Same with men liking other men,” you shifted your eyes down to your lap and fought to hold back your tears. “They don’t see how scared we are. We feel pain, just like them…we want to be accepted, loved, and treated equally. Why is that too much to ask? Why should our orientation matter? It’s…not fair.”
Seeing your tears falling onto your lap, Beel securely wrapped his arms around you. “Those humans are not nice. Everyone deserves to be happy and treated equally. Don’t cry, (y/n). One day, you will find a partner who will take care of you, love you, and buy you lots of delicious food. Until you find them, I am here for you! I will take care of you, give you hugs, and share my food with you.”

Sensing a presence, Belphie opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times to adjust his vision. He was surprised to see you sitting at the edge of his mattress, rubbing your left upper arm with your right hand. You seemed anxious, almost as if you wanted to tell him something but couldn’t make up your mind.
“(Y/n), why are you sitting so far away?”
“O-Oh, hi, Belphie. did I wake you up?” You asked as you stood up and walked close to him.
“No, it is about time for me to wake up.” He smiled and sat up on the bed, stretching his stiff muscles, “Did you want to talk to me?”
“Kind of…um…I want to share a secret with you, but I don’t know how to tell you. I mean…,” you trailed off, hoping that he would catch the drift.
“Take your time,” he smiled warmly. Belphie had a feeling that what you wanted to say was difficult for you to talk about. “You can tell me anything, and I will listen to you wholeheartedly.”
“T-Thanks. I have not told anyone about this before…I am afraid of…of getting bullied, getting judged, not being accepted, and getting abandoned by the people I care about.”
You started to feel breathless, and seeing this, Belphie became alert. He placed his warm hand on top of yours and smiled, “There is nothing you can say that will make me abandon you. Take the weight off your chest and tell me.”
“Belphie,” you drew in some deep breaths and looked him in the eyes, “I am a lesbian. I like women.”
“And that is absolutely okay. Who you want to love is up to you, and no one else has a say in it. You do what makes you happy.” Belphie’s smile grew wider, “(Y/n), thanks for trusting me. I will support you in your decisions and choices…now and forever.