Teen MC 23: Bitter & Unfriendly MC
Prompt: Can I request HCs for how the brothers would react to a teenage MC who’s bitter, resents everyone, is quiet, and just generally hates the exchange program altogether? They insult people the people they interact with, hate Diavolo, Lucifer, and Barbatos, and will scream and insult Diavolo if pushed hard enough (spoiler alert: if you approach the fact that they hate him, you are getting your insecurities picked at and insulted).
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
Warning: Angst, bitterness/insulting, spoilers, and MC is not friendly.
A/N: Platonic. I was not comfortable using “you,” so I used MC instead because these HCs are far from rainbows and sparkles.
Sequel to this HC: here.

- What was MC’s problem? He knew he was no saint, but why was MC acting more demonic than a demon?
- Mammon tried to get on MC’s good side, but the more he tried, the more they hated him. What does he have to do to get MC to like him?
- For a while, he continued being nice, but a series of events changed his outlook on MC. First, he attempted to protect them and got injured, but MC just laughed at his injury/pain, saying he deserved it.
- Then they insulted him by calling him a waste of space and a piece of trash and even went as far as to tell him to stop existing.
- Finally, MC crossed all lines and said, “Why do you refer to yourself as Mammon the Great? What exactly is great about you? You’re failing miserably at keeping your family together; you steal from everyone just to make a few bucks, you let your family fall into the depths of hell, and your brothers don’t even like you.”
- Enough. Mammon tried his best to get along with MC, but no more. “I dunno why you hate everyone and everything, but you’re hella messed up. You call me a waste of space, but you’re no better. You say I’m a piece of trash, but you’re worse. Like seriously, doncha get tried to hatin’ on everything? Sorry I tried to be nice to you for so long, but don’t worry, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

- Asmo knew MC was going to be hard to deal with the moment he saw the look of hatred in their eyes, but he decided to try being nice. It didn’t take him long to learn that his initial judgment of MC was spot on and just being in their presence made him feel stressed.
- For the most part, Asmo stayed away from them, but after seeing their behavior towards Diavolo, he was compelled to ask why MC hated the prince so much. Had he known that asking this question was like stepping on a landmine, Asmo would have never asked, but he was not prepared for their words.
- “You really think you’re breathtakingly beautiful, don’t you? I don’t know what kind of mirror you’ve been staring into, but you’re one of the ugliest demons in Devildom. Wait, I just realized something…you are trying to hide your insecurities about your looks behind the ‘I’m beautiful’ mask, aren’t you?” They proceeded to laugh ruthlessly.
- The light vanished from Asmo’s eyes as he crooked his head to one side, a twisted smile spreading across his face. “I am ugly? Then what do you call yourself? You are insecure head to toe, and to hide that, you pick on others and insult them. I can see your future, MC, a lifeless bag of bones sitting in the corner of your room, unwanted and hated by the world. How truly sad.”

- He gave MC the benefit of the doubt – maybe they were upset about being dragged to hell and into an exchange program without consent.
- Lucifer went out of his way to reason with MC and be patient, but the more MC wounded his pride, the more he regretted picking them for the exchange program.
- After seeing MC’s behavior towards Diavolo and Barbatos, he considered sending them back and spoke to the student council.
- The last straw was when he asked MC why they hated the prince, and MC responded, “You really are a powerless creature, aren’t you? You couldn’t save your sister, lost the war, and ended up in hell. Not to mention, your brothers hate you, and you have to spend the rest of your existence kissing up to the DEAR prince. How does it feel to be so unwanted and powerless?”
- “How does it feel? I believe you would know the answer to that question better than I would. What a pitiful human, hiding their own insecurities behind bitter words,” Lucifer chuckled coldly. “We have decided to send you back to the Human Realm. I would say have a great life, but with that behavior, I doubt you will.”

- Satan attempted to make MC feel welcome, but at the same time, he gave them space, especially after seeing them interacting with his brothers. They preferred being alone, and that was fine with him, but Satan was not okay with them insulting him repeatedly for unnecessary reasons.
- What person in their right mind insults someone for asking have you eaten yet or how your classes are going? He was only asking to see if they needed food or help. On top of that, he saw the way they screamed in Diavolo’s face – talking about having no respect or manners.
- Since those incidences, Satan maintained a distance from MC, but then the teacher decided to pair him up with MC for a group project. He knew things were not going to go down well, but Satan was not expecting MC to attack his biggest trigger. “Why do you always try to be perfect in everything? Are you trying to be like Lucifer?”
- The first time around, he was able to ignore MC, but even that wasn’t enough. “You know what, I don’t feel like working on the project. I’ll take a failing grade. Aw, what’s this? Your eyes are watering. Why don’t you run to Lucifer and cry? Baby needs his dad to give him a blanket and bottle. Wa wa wa.”
- He completely lost control of his temper, but thankfully, Beel and Mammon were around and managed to stop him from attacking MC. After calming down, Satan approached MC for the last time, “I would apologize for my behavior, but apologies are reserved for people who deserve them. For the longest time, I considered myself to be unfortunate for coming into existence due to Lucifer’s rage and having to live with a dysfunctional family. After meeting you, though, I realized what unfortunate truly means. I feel sorry for you. Maybe it would have benefited you if I had attacked and freed you from this miserable existence.”

- Levi doesn’t want to interact with MC, to begin with, being an introvert and all, but just out of curiosity, he asked MC if they like video games or anime. The brutal response was enough to make him never want to talk to them again.
- “Let me guess. You are an otaku. Someone who shuts himself up in a dark room all day because he has no friends and is too scared to talk to anyone? Just the thought of talking to people makes him cry? Ha. Lowest life tier there is.”
- After that, he never approached them but would watch MC from far away. He first saw them mistreating Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer and then moving on to his brothers. MC’s words had affected his mind, even though he already knew what it meant to be an otaku, but seeing how ruthless MC was being to everyone was upsetting.
- Levi got to the point where he didn’t want to come out of his room just to escape MC’s negativity. All he wanted was for the exchange program to be over. But then came the day when everyone was having dinner together and talking about an incident that happened back in the Celestial Realm.
- Even though MC was not included in the conversation, they felt the need to say, “To think that you guys would still be happy in the Celestial Realm. If only Lucifer hadn’t dragged all of you to war.”
- Dragged them to war? Seriously? MC doesn’t even know what happened, yet they blame Lucifer for everything? Who gave them that right? Levi felt anger brewing inside himself and ended up summoning Lotan. An outsider had no right to intervene in his family matters and talk down to the brother who always protected them.

- Beel didn’t care how bitter MC seemed and wanted to become their friend. Even when they poked his insecurities, food habits, and appearance, Beel didn’t stop being nice to them. “Maybe they’re having a bad day,” was what he told himself and his brothers whenever he heard them talking about MC’s behavior.
- He couldn’t fathom that someone was filled with nothing but darkness, and sadly, Beel had to learn the hard way. When he saw MC talking poorly about Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Do you hate them? They’re not bad demons.”
- Right then, MC brought up a subject they shouldn’t have. “Speaking of bad demons, you should be added to that list. What brother chooses between his siblings and lets one of them die? If that’s not bad, I don’t know what is. Oh, wait, I forgot, you are the slowest of all the brothers, so I need to spell it out. Lilith died because of you.”
- All the memories Beel had managed to keep at bay had resurfaced. The sight of Lilith holding out her hand towards Beel while he stared helplessly replayed in his mind. Thankfully, his brothers noticed in time, and they decided that they could no longer host MC in their dorm.
- Before MC left the House of Lamentation, Beel approached them for the last time. “MC, you are wrong. Belphie was the closest to me, and if I had left him to save Lilith, I would have lost both of them. I thought everyone had a nice side to them, no matter who they were, but…you proved me wrong.”

- Right from the get-go, Belphie knew MC was going to be a pain to deal with. Just to confirm his doubts, he tried to talk to them once and regretted his decision. Dealing with them required too much energy, and he much rather preferred napping.
- The day he saw them yelling at Diavolo, Belphie chuckled and thought it was well deserved. He didn’t care much for them hating Lucifer or Barbatos either, but when he saw MC mistreating his twin, Belphie got upset.
- Since then, he started paying more attention to MC’s behavior. How could someone be filled with this much poison? They didn’t seem to have a good side to them at all. He could understand them not wanting to interact with others, but MC did not need to insult others or pick on their insecurities. Unknowingly, Belphie’s hatred towards humans began to resurface.
- The last straw for Belphie was when MC blamed Beel for Lilith’s death. Belphie was ready to attack them, but Beel stopped him and made him promise to not hurt MC.
- He was thankful when MC left the House of Lamentation. At least now, his brothers could live in peace, but Belphie never got the answers to some questions that were lingering in his mind, and there was no point in asking MC directly. Why were they like this? What happened in their past to make such a young human this bitter and resentful?