Teen MC 24: Powerful Witch

Prompt: Can I request headcanons for everyone reacting to a teenage MC being a young but powerful witch who loves magic and is lowkey jealous of Solomon for having more pacts than them but also looks up to him and secretly wants to be more powerful than him but ALSO kind of wants to fight him? Perhaps they started doing magic before the exchange program. Let’s say that during the attic incident, they put up a really good fight but were still lost because they were exhausted that day.

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

A/N: Platonic.


  • Is surprised to learn that you’re low-key jealous of him and doesn’t see why. Sure, he has more pacts than you, but he was nowhere as strong as you when he was your age.
  • If you’re willing to learn from him, he will be more than happy to teach you.
  • As for fighting him, Solomon doesn’t mind testing the waters, but having a full-fledged battle is a big no. He doesn’t doubt your capabilities, but he does have a few thousand years on you. Not to mention, the two of you would end up destroying Devildom and get into trouble.


  • You and Solomon are both incredibly in your own ways, so there’s no need for you to see him as your competition.
  • Now that you’re in Devildom, you will learn more about magic which should help you get one step closer to Solomon’s magic.
  • Really hopes you don’t keep asking him to make a pact, like Solomon. He can say no to the sorcerer, but saying no to you will be difficult, but saying yes will not be an option.


  • Barbatos finds it interesting that both human exchange students are well-versed in magic. Both of you are perfect choices for the exchange program.
  • Though he thinks it would be interesting to see you and Solomon fighting, Barbatos is strictly against the idea.
  • Like Asmo, he knows Solomon’s capabilities – not to say you’re not capable, but Solomon has been around for thousands of years. The amount of knowledge he possesses is frightening, to say the least.


  • The angel is fascinated with your powers. Humans are generally not this powerful; moreover, both humans exchange students turned out to be powerful magicians. He can’t help but think if this was planned by Diavolo.
  • Thinks you shouldn’t compare yourself to Solomon as you’re just as capable as the sorcerer.
  • Also, Simeon is willing to bet that you can beat Solomon in cooking, even if you have never cooked in your life. Maybe you should have a cooking battle with Solomon – if you do, you’ll win hands down.


  • He had no idea that humans could be powerful or have magic abilities but still thinks you’re incredible and looks up to you.
  • Doesn’t see why you have demon pacts and doesn’t think making more pacts is a good idea. Demons are trouble, and Luke doesn’t want you to get into any sort of trouble.
  • If you ever fight Solomon, Luke will cheer for you. He will even bake good luck treats for you.


  • You want to be more powerful than Solomon? Then, would you like to make a pact with him? Lucifer would much rather make a pact with you than Solomon.
  • But you want to fight him? Not happening. At least not until you make more pacts and learn even more powerful spells.
  • He is relieved to know that you can take care of yourself in case some demon tries to hurt you.


  • Did you say witch? Ha.Ha.Ha. Just his luck. He has never had any good experiences with witches and hopes you’re not like his witch “friends.” His life is already hell, literally, and he doesn’t want you to make it more hellish.
  • Mammon is surprised that you look up to Solomon. He’s a powerful sorcerer, but he’s shady AF.
  • Doesn’t think you should fight Solomon. You’re welcome to try, but it’ll be your own funeral, and Mammon prefers you stay alive.


  • Thinks you’re one of the coolest people he has ever met. You’re strong and already have so many pacts at your age. That’s nothing less than impressive!
  • You’re jealous of someone else even though you’re powerful yourself? He knows Solomon is strong, but for someone like you to be kinda jealous of him? Just how powerful is that guy?
  • Levi doesn’t want you to pick a fight against Solomon. You’re one of his few friends, and he doesn’t want to lose you. Just the thought is enough to make him depressed.


  • You’re already impressive and have no reason to be jealous of Solomon. The sorcerer has lived for thousands of years, so he has had countless years to make pacts and perfect his spells. You, on the other hand, are only a teen and already this powerful.
  • Satan is sure you will get stronger than Solomon in no time as long as you stay determined.
  • At you’re current level, though, it’s better for you not to fight Solomon. Practicing with him or asking him to teach you would be a better option.


  • You’re kinda jealous of Solomon? Are you, by chance, jealous that he has a pact with the sorcerer? If that’s the case, Asmo will gladly make a pact with you as well. Is disappointed when he learns that’s not the reason but still wants to make a pact with you, nevertheless
  • If you want to learn from Solomon, Asmo will gladly talk to him on your behalf. Maybe becoming his apprentice will help you strengthen your magic.
  • Will not let you fight Solomon even as a joke. Asmo knows what he is capable of and doesn’t want you to get hurt in any way.


  • When he learns you’re a powerful witch, Beel asks you if you can magically summon food for him. If you say yes, he will come to you whenever his hunger is completely out of control.
  • Thinks your magical abilities are amazing, but even so, fighting Solomon might not be a good idea.
  • Will happily make a pact with you just to help you get stronger.


  • Is shocked to learn that you’re a powerful witch and wonders why you didn’t destroy him when he attacked you. Though, he’s thankful that you didn’t and is still very sorry for hurting you.
  • Belphie thinks you’ve no reason to be jealous of Solomon. You’re better than the sorcerer could ever be, especially in personality.
  • If you’re still hellbent on getting stronger than Solomon, Belphie will share his knowledge with you. Someday, he wants to see you going up against Solomon and beating him.
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