[Pre]Teen MC 25: Fran Bow

Prompt: Can I request the boys with a pre-teen MC who is basically Fran from the Fran Bow game and is a super dark child. They don’t actually have any form of psychosis but constantly clench the purse that contains Duotine pills and are staying at Oswald Asylum before the game starts. Demons will constantly torment them whilst MC just wants to figure out who killed their parents and why?

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

Warning: Spoilers from Fran Bow (the game has heavy themes).

A/N: Platonic.


  • Simeon was quick to pick up the dark aura surrounding MC but didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Then MC did something that took shocked and saddened him.
  • When they learned he was an angel, MC folded their hands and bowed their head, “Mom and dad would always tell me angels exist to help people. Angel, I need your help. Please help me find my parents’ killer. I want to know who hurt them. Please.”
  • Simeon’s chest was heavy at hearing such a genuine yet heart-wrenching plea for help. He hugged MC and asked them not to think about that right now and focus on their stay in Devildom. “The truth will come into light sooner or later, but for the time being, enjoy your stay here. Make friends, study, eat food, and be happy.”
  • He was not qualified to aid this child, and interfering in their matter would be against Celestial Realm’s policies, but he prayed that MC would find the truth one day.


  • Luke was very happy to see someone around his age and couldn’t wait to be their friend. The young angel felt an unknown darkness emanating from MC, but he could tell they were not bad.
  • The day Luke caught a glimpse into MC’s past, he was distraught. Their parents were gone, and they saw the torn bodies? He felt like he was going to throw up and started crying. Why would MC have to experience that? They didn’t deserve it!
  • The young angel hugged MC and gave them his blessing, saying he will always protect them and no demon will be able to touch them.
  • In return, Luke asked MC to lean on him if they needed comfort or a reason to smile. He also requested that they stop taking the pills as the medicine doesn’t sound good for them.


  • Satan thought MC would be like any other child but was caught off guard when they asked, “If you’re a demon, will you torment me too?”
  • That question alone made him curious to find out more about MC, and what he learned horrified him. Not only did they see the state of their parents’ bodies, but their doctor made them take hallucination-inducing drugs. What did the poor child do to deserve this much pain?
  • Satan was determined to help MC find the killer but feared the worst. What if the murderer was someone close to the child? Worse yet, what if a demon possessed MC and pushed them to murder their parents?
  • Also who was Remor? He has never heard of a demon by that name…did he exist, or was he part of Duotine’s side effects?


  • The reason Lucifer chose MC was their history; he knew everything about what they saw, their family, their stay at Oswald, and their life mission. For some reason, he felt bad for the child and wanted to get them out of the asylum. Thankfully, Diavolo and Barbatos agreed with his decision.
  • He was unfazed by MC’s personality and would have been surprised if they didn’t have a dark personality, considering everything they have been through.
  • Sometimes, Lucifer found himself thinking about who could have killed the parents. MC was a child, so attacking two adults and tearing their bodies would have been impossible. He doubted the aunt.
  • Regardless, Lucifer wanted MC to have a change of environment for their sake. Maybe when he found time, he would consider helping them; maybe he won’t even need to help MC, considering Satan was probably on their case.


  • Mammon couldn’t understand what MC was talking about. Looking for a murderer? Remor? Duotine for their health? Demons tormenting them? Being a demon, he could tell if someone was possessed or being haunted, and neither case was true for MC.
  • But when he learned about MC’s parents, Mammon, at first, wasn’t sure how to react, but soon enough, he was nearly in tears. Who would put MC through all this?
  • He ended up crying when he found out about MC’s purse – a child hanging on their deceased mother’s memory touched him deeply. Also, considered asking Lucifer if they could adopt MC into their family.
  • He honestly thought no one deserved to experience everything MC went through, especially not a preteen.


  • Even though MC was polite, Asmo felt the darkness surrounding them and was uneasy.
  • He was also curious about the purse and why MC always had it with them, but when Asmo learned the answer, he wished he hadn’t. The purse belonged to MC’s deceased mother and had medications from their stay at an asylum. What hell had this child seen and gone through? Asmo wanted to hug them and not let go – no wonder MC had a dark personality.
  • Whenever Asmo saw MC trying to take the medication, he would try to stop them. Those pills seemed unsafe, and the asylum they stayed at didn’t seem safe.
  • Asmo couldn’t really help MC with finding the killer, but he wanted to do something to make them happy. A child like them deserved to be drowned in love and spoiled.


  • Levi was instantly fond of MC when they spoke to him politely. He started to spend time with him and slowly learned about MC’s past.
  • The more Levi found out, the more curious he was – MC’s life almost sounded like a horror video game. And here he thought, he had it bad.
  • He wished MC would stop taking Duotine as the medicine sounded shady and unsafe, especially the “I can see fire, creatures, and blood everything” part.
  • Levi wanted to help MC find the truth but doubted he could. Though, if they wanted him to, then he would try. But what if MC already knew the answer or was hurt by the answer? On the other hand, maybe finding out wasn’t a good idea.


  • Beel didn’t notice anything unusual about MC, but one day, they said to him, “Beel, you’re nice…and nothing like the demons that torment me.”
  • Their words shocked and confused him. There were no demons around MC, and if there were demons tormenting them, he would teach them a lesson. So, what were they talking about?
  • The more Beel found out about MC’s past, the more he felt bad for them and wanted to protect them. Losing parents, seeing the state of their bodies – he remembered what it felt like watching his sister falling from the celestial realm – and not knowing who killed them.
  • He just wanted to hug MC and tell them they were safe. Though Beel was not good at solving mysteries, he promised to help them in any way he could and would share his snacks with them.


  • In the beginning, Belphie wanted nothing to do with MC, mainly due to the weird aura surrounding them. He started developing a soft spot for them after he woke up a few times to find MC napping next to him.
  • Sometimes, he would wake up to the child tossing and turning while asking, “Mom, dad, please come back. I miss you,” and “Doctor, I don’t like these pills…why are you making me take them?”
  • Out of curiosity, he asked MC and was flabbergasted to learn the answers. Talk about actually living in a nightmare…
  • He knew what it felt like to lose a family member, but two members, and actually seeing their bodies? Not much fazed Belphie, but thinking about that made him shiver. Poor MC.


  • As soon as Lucifer told him about MC, he wanted them to come to Devildom and live a better life here, even if it would be temporarily.
  • He was not surprised that MC was a dark child but was thankful that they were polite, perspective, smart, and still had a childish side to them. His only intention was to give MC a proper place to stay, but then he started hearing about MC’s experiences in detail. Remor? Demon tormenting them? What were they talking about?
  • Diavolo was curious about their past and was tempted to ask Barbatos to find out the truth, but Barb brought up a good point, “Are you certain you wish to learn the truth, younger master? There are times when the truth stays hidden and for a good reason.”
  • The prince decided not to poke into MC’s past but asked Barbatos to look into Remor. He focused on making MC feel welcomed in Devildom – that’s the least he could do for a child who had experienced high-level trauma.


  • After hearing what Lucifer said about MC, Barbatos studied their files and was curious about their past, but something told him that the truth was better left in the dark.
  • He didn’t get much time to interact with MC, but whenever they visited the castle, he baked them their favorite dessert.
  • Out of curiosity, he asked about the purse and was stunned to learn about the Duotine. Barbatos took one pill from MC and gave it to Solomon, asking him to find out what the medicine was. Maybe the pill might be the reason why MC saw the unknown demon named Remor.


  • When he saw MC, he thought they would be like any other child, but one conversation with them proved him wrong. “So, where do you stay, MC?”
  • “At Oswald Asylum, but I want to learn who killed my parents and get back home to my aunt.”
  • Solomon couldn’t stop asking questions about their parents, and his curiosity only grew stronger when Barbatos asked him to find out about Duotine.
  • It was not a medicine a child should be taking, especially not with the side effects MC was experiencing. He wanted to take the medication and destroy it, but the withdrawal effects would have hurt MC more than helped.
  • Solomon wished they would’ve had a better life, but he hoped that someday their live will become worthwhile. For the time being, he would support MC and do his best to make them smile.
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