Teen MC 26: Heartbreaking Wish

Prompt: G/N teen mc having an argument with one of their parents (about something that mc has every right to be angry about. Just imagine the brothers’ reactions, especially since teen mc is very patient, calm, and forgiving.) and mc just explodes and yells “I wish I would’ve stayed dead” (when belphie killed us). Just imagine the instant regret MC feels when they see the brothers’ faces.

Gender: gn!teen!Reader

Warning: Spoilers from chapter 16.

A/N: Platonic.

Luci Banner
  • Lucifer was taken aback by your sudden change in personality and more so by your words. What exactly happened when you went to visit your parents? He recalled seeing the message you sent on the group chat.

Asmo: (Y/n)! Hope you are doing okay~. We miss you sooo much!
You: I had a fight with my parents and…
Asmo: And?
Satan: Are you alright?
Mammon: Earth to (Y/n)!  You wanna reply?
Levi: Say something…
Beel: Please?
Belphie: No, seriously. (Y/n), reply.
Lucifer: (Y/n), return to Devildom at once. 

  • Not replying to messages, not wanting to talk to anyone, and exploding…that seemed very unlike you. As if that wasn’t shocking enough, you had to say something that he never wanted to hear from you – at least not after seeing the state of your body the day Belphie attacked you. 
  •  His shoulders tensed up, and his head lowered. Lucifer remained silent, not knowing how to reply to your statement. He closed his eyes and recalled the words that echoed in his mind the day he had seen your limp body in Mammon’s arms. “Failure. You are a failure. You failed at protecting them, just like you failed at protecting Lilith and your brothers.” 
  • Your heartstrings tugged at seeing an expression Lucifer rarely shows, and you instantly regretted saying you wish you had stayed dead. “L-Luci, I’m…so-sorry.” 
  • “Never say such words again.” His voice was heavy and lacked the usual assertiveness. “(Y/n), I may not know what happened between you and your parents, but I can say confidentially that you are in the right. You are a composed individual, and for you to get triggered enough to wish death on yourself says quite a lot. Kindly never repeat those words, not to me or my brothers. A life without you is meaningless to us. Always remember that.” 
Satan Banner
  • Satan was stunned by the volume of your voice and couldn’t fathom what caused you, of all people, to lose your temper. What did your parents say to you? But his mind didn’t let him get far with that question as your word took over his thoughts.
  • Though he was staring at your face, Satan’s eyes were distant, and his breath grew ragged. Sadly, he couldn’t stop his mind from replaying the heartbreaking scene – Belphie covered in red; Mammon screaming at you to wake up; Levi with his back against the wall, looking like he was going to throw up; Beel frozen in place, his eyes shifting between you and Belphie; Asmo staring at your body, struggling to breathe; Lucifer getting angry. No matter how much he tried to look away, Satan couldn’t tear his emerald eyes from your deathly pale face.
  • “Satan?” You tried to get his attention, but to no avail. “Did I remind you of something I shouldn’t have? I’m sorry. This day has been too much for me…and I don’t know what to do. I feel like crying.” 
  • He closed his eyes and sighed, “That day, I saw reactions from my brothers that I have never seen before. I cannot tell you how traumatizing that scene was for us. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t returned, nor do I want to think about it. I cannot judge you for saying those words, as I am known to have moments of blind rage, and in those moments, I have said words I regret. (Y/n), I won’t ask you to tell me what happened with your parents, but if you want to talk, I will listen. I can already tell you are not at fault, but please do me a favor; don’t make a wish like that again.” 
Mammon Banner
  • Mammon gasped and covered his mouth. You can get angry? Since when? You were the last person Mammon thought he would see angry – wait, what did you say? Mammon’s eyes slowly started to get wide, and he suddenly felt like someone latched onto his throat. 
  • The image of your red-soaked body resting in his arms flashed in his vision. At that time, Mammon wished it was just a prank, a prank his brothers pulled on him, but when he looked around at their faces, they looked horrified. That’s when the situation started to sink in, slowly and painfully. He called your name over and over again, trying to wake you up. Mammon desperately pressed his hands against your wound, but the blood did not stop pouring out. Why was this happening?  
  • Mammon’s lower lip trembled as tears collected in the corner of his eyes. He had forgotten that incident, so why did you have to go and remind him of it again? 
  • “M-Mammon? Are you…crying?” You reached your hand up to his face and gently wiped the liquid off his cheeks with your fingertips. “Mammon? H-Hey…”
  • His eyes moved down to you, and out of the blue, he tightly wrapped his arms around you as if his life depended on it. “Don’t say somethin’ like that! I won’t letcha die, not…again. If you’re angry, take it out on the people you’re angry at…take it out on me, hit me, scream at me, but don’t ya dare hurt yourself. Ya hear that? I dunno what I would do with myself if somethin’ happened to you.” 
Belphie Banner
  • Belphie’s mind went blank when he heard your words. His eyes became lifeless, and his vision began to blur. The forsaken memories once again overshadowed his thoughts. 
  • Looking down at his trembling hands, he recalled how they were covered in red. He was furious- his hatred for humans, losing Lilith, hatred for Diavolo, frustration towards Lucifer, being locked up…everything has clouded his judgment. His blind rage had caused him to tear into your skin, and all he could remember was seeing crimson everywhere. 
  • He felt sick to the stomach and started backing away from you, losing his balance in the process and falling on his behind. To this day, he regrets what he did, and even though you had forgiven him, he hadn’t forgiven himself. But your words forced him to think about what would have happened if he had successfully killed you? His family would still be in disarray, he would never have learned the truth about Lilith, you would never have been his friend, and he would have had to live with your blood on his hands for the rest of his existence. 
  • Seeing his expression, you covered your mouth and wished you could turn back time. “Belphie, I am so sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight…I am sorry. Oh my god, I am so sorry!” 
  • His lips twisted into a grimace, “I deserved that. If I could, I would go back and stop myself from hurting you…and I am sorry you had to see what happened. (Y/n), I don’t know what happened with your family but don’t take that anger out on yourself. Those images…that scene…still torment me. I have nightmares about it almost every day…and I said I deserved it, but that burden is difficult for me to bear. Don’t talk about hurting yourself or dying, okay? For your sake and mine.” 
  • Beel didn’t think for a moment about the reason for your anger or the fight with your parents, but he was quick to realize what you said. 
  • His shoulders slumped as if the energy in his body got sapped out all at once. Beel’s gaze dropped to the floor, and he opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. His mind began to have flashbacks about you and Lilith, playing back and forth – his sister falling from the heavens with her arm reaching out to him while your lifeless eyes stared at him as if asking for his help. He couldn’t save his sister; he couldn’t help you, but at least you got a second chance. But why do you want to put him through this pain a third time?
  • “Don’t leave us,” Beel sounded heartbroken. 
  • “I w-won’t. I…didn’t actually mean it.”
  • “Don’t say things you don’t mean and don’t talk about dying. I have lost one family member and don’t want to lose one more. Belphie would be sad if he heard those words…you know, he still hasn’t forgotten what he did to you. None of us have, and you know how we come to your room without asking? We sometimes want to make sure you are really okay…I have nightmares about that scene…so do Belphie and Mammon. It’s okay for you to be mad, but not okay for you to talk about dying…”
Asmo Banner
  • All Asmo could focus on were your words. He winced at your words, pressing the heel of his palm to his chest and holding his breath. Asmo forced his mind not to recall the scene, but it was too late. He clearly remembered the smell of iron filling his lungs and how your lively skin grew paler by the second.
  • “Asmo! Snap out of it.“ You tried to snap him out of his trance when you saw his face draining of color.
  • “Did you mean those words?” Asmo could barely manage to get those words out. 
  • “No! No…I am sorry. I am very angry right now…and it’s all thanks to my parents. I hate that they always think they’re right about everything. This time they are wrong…very wrong. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream!”
  • Asmo rested his hand on your shoulder and forced the corners of his lips up. “I support you. You are always calm, kind, and forgiving, and for someone like that to lose their temper…they must have hurt you a lot. That’s…all I can think of saying. I’m sorry, sweetie, my mind feels heavy right now. Would you mind hugging me? I need to know that you are real…and that incident with you and Belphie was just a horrible nightmare.” 
  • Levi was startled by your loud voice and backed away from you, raising his hands defensively in the air. Just as he began to think about what could have happened between you and your parents, your words finally hit him.
  • He stared at you blankly as the memories of the saddest day in his life started to haunt his mind. He remembered the scene vividly and held his head in his sweaty palms, shaking it vigorously. “No, no, no, no, no…”
  • You called his name, but Levi didn’t hear you. Running up to him, you gripped his shoulders and shook him back to reality. Though Levi managed to snap out of his, the fear in his eyes was still present. “I am sorry! I didn’t mean those words. I know this is not me, but…I’m sorry.”
  • He released his head and let his hands drop to his side. “Don’t leave me, (y/n). I have never cared about anyone as much as I care about you, so don’t say anything like that again. If you are sorry, c-can you give me a h-hug? I really need one…”
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