Teen MC 28: Dating Floyd Leech
Prompt: Could you do HCs of the Obey Me brothers’ reactions to teen MC dating Floyd?
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
A/N: HCs for DB platonic.
What Floyd thinks about him:
- Lucifer reminds him of Jade, with the polite manners and hidden twisted side, and automatically becomes his favorite brother.
- He likes to bug the oldest brother, much to Lucifer’s dismay, but then again, he’s used to dealing with annoying younger brothers.
- Floyd refers to him as Seahorse.
- Thinks Floyd will fit right into the family and Devildom, but at the same time, Lucifer is concerned about you.
- He sees right through Floyd’s chill personality and knows there’s something sinister lurking behind. Just as long as the eel doesn’t hurt you, Lucifer doesn’t mind you dating him.
- But he does mind Floyd tailing him around. Every time he tries to work or focus, your boyfriend magically shows up and disturbs him.
- Whenever the eel talks about his brother, Lucifer feels a bit relieved; if he cares about his twin, then family must be important to him. Maybe Floyd won’t show you his sinister side.
- He is considering warning your boyfriend never to hurt you; otherwise, Lucifer will have to show Floyd his own sinister side.
- Also, of all the names Floyd could have picked, why Seahorse? When Lucifer asks him out of curiosity, the eel replies, “Male seahorses take care of their kids, just like you take care of your brother. That’s why people refer to seahorses as Mr. Mom.”
- Lucifer dearly regrets asking Floyd that question.

What Floyd thinks about him:
- Floyd gets along with Mammon the most.
- Whenever he’s bored, he spends time with the second brother; the eel likes seeing Mammon prank people and gets into trouble.
- With Mammon around, there is never a dull moment.
- Refers to him as Clownfish.
- Doesn’t like Floyd at the beginning only because he is YOUR boyfriend. How dare someone try to take his beloved friend away from him?
- The more time Mammon spends with Floyd, the more he likes him, but why does the eel have to laugh at his misfortunes?
- Whenever Lucifer hangs Mammon from the ceiling, Floyd doesn’t stop laughing and teasing the second brother.
- He dislikes Floyd calling him a Clownfish and tells your boyfriend to give him a different name.
- “Why should I give ya a new name? You wanna know why I call you a clown? A clown gives himself pain and takes away the pain of others by makin’ them laugh. You do the same for your brothers.”
- After hearing that, Mammon likes Floyd even more than before.

What Floyd thinks about him:
- He likes to tease Levi the most – from always wearing headphones around his neck to stuttering when nervous to likes games to being an otaku.
- But honestly, Floyd doesn’t mean any harm. That’s his way of showing he finds Levi amusing.
- Feels a strong connection to Levi since they are both creatures of the sea. Also thinks Lotan is the coolest sea creature he has ever seen.
- Nicknames him Sea Snake.
- Similar to Mammon, Levi initially doesn’t like your boyfriend and thinks Floyd will steal you away from him.
- His dislike gets stronger when he learns (firsthand) that Floyd likes to tease. He really hates being the eel’s soft target.
- One day, Levi walks into his room and sees your boyfriend swimming with Henry, and his heart nearly fails. How did Floyd turn into an eel? How did he get into his room? How did he get into the tank? Most of all, Levi can’t believe Henry likes Floyd.
- Levi accidentally summons Lotan and floods the house, angering all his brothers. Thankfully for him, Floyd defuses the situation by saying Levi is super strong and that Lotan is cool.
- After that incident, your boyfriend starts respecting him, but sometimes, Floyd wants to push Levi’s limits just so he can see Lotan again.
- Sometimes, Levi and Floyd change into their water forms and swim around with Henry. Those are some of Levi’s favorite moments.

What Floyd thinks about him:
- At first, he thinks Satan is boring, especially when he learns the fourth brother likes reading and is studious, but he quickly changes his opinion once he sees Satan’s angry side.
- Finds his cat-loving side amusing and likes to tease him about it.
- If Satan gets angry while Floyd is around, the eel will put on cat ears and meow to calm him down.
- Refers to him as Pufferfish.
- Based on Floyd’s speech patterns, Satan judges him to be a laid-back and careless person and doesn’t mind you dating him.
- Assumes your boyfriend is the type who doesn’t care about education but is shocked to learn how smart Floyd is. Satan is extremely annoyed to learn that Floyd’s smartness is based on how interesting something is to him.
- Thankful for Floyd calming him down when his anger gets the better of him. He knows the eel is purely helping him out of amusement, but he’s still thankful.
- Pufferfish? Satan can’t understand why Floyd would pick pufferfish for him – he has no spikes, his hair color doesn’t match the skin of the fish, and he looks nothing like one.
- “Pufferfish are cute, but then ya poke ‘em, and they go poof – kinda like you and your anger.”
- No matter how much Satan hates that nickname, he can’t think of an argument to defend his anger. Still a better name than Seahorse.

What Floyd thinks about him:
- Floyd thinks Asmo is like a pocket-size, calmer, and nicer version of Vil.
- Due to his interest in fashion, he likes to go shopping with the fifth brother, especially when he goes shoe shopping.
- Likes to tease Asmo for being the shortest of the brothers.
- Gets annoyed when Asmo keeps complimenting himself for hours on out.
- Calls him Axolotl.
- Asmo finds Floyd to be very handsome and is happy for you. Unlike the other brothers, Asmo only cares about your happiness, so if you are happy with Floyd, he supports your relationship.
- Surprised to learn about Floyd’s interest in fashion; moreover, Asmo can’t get over the eel’s spotless skin and is jealous to learn Floyd’s skin is naturally beautiful.
- For some reason, Asmo likes to hear Floyd say, “I want to constrict you,”…much to the eel’s dismay. He never uses that phrase around the fifth brother.
- Loves his nickname and can’t get over how cute Axolotls look.
- It takes Asmo the shortest time to accept Floyd as part of the family, and he hopes he can see the two of you get married at some point in your lives.

What Floyd thinks about him:
- Floyd thought Beel be fun to tease, but the demon brother doesn’t get any of his jokes which only leaves him frustrated. For this reason, Beel is the only demon Floyd doesn’t tease.
- Impressed and disturbed by how much Beel can eat and finds it hilarious when Beel eats inedible objects.
- Floyd enjoys cooking for him. When he has to come up with a new menu for Mostro Lounge, he likes to test the dishes on Beel first.
- Refers to him as Blue Whale.
- Supports your relationship with Floyd but is still cautious and keeps an eye out to make sure the eel doesn’t hurt you. Beel already warned Floyd to take care of you; otherwise, he will not hesitate to teach him less.
- He starts liking Floyd more when the teen cooks for him. Not only is he a good cook, but everything he makes tastes good…well, as long as Floyd is in a good mood.
- But even when your boyfriend’s mood is off, his cooking is still better than Solomon’s cooking.
- Plays basketball with Floyd when they are free.
- Beel doesn’t mind the nickname and doesn’t ask Floyd for an explanation, but the eel provides one anyway since the other brothers asked him. “Out of all the creatures in the sea, Blue Whales eat the most.”

What Floyd thinks about him:
- One glance and Floyd figures Belphie is lazy, kinda like a certain lion.
- Likes to play pranks on the younger brother while he is asleep, but only when Mammon is with him. He doesn’t want to get punished, especially not by Lucifer.
- He wants to interact with Belphie but can never find the brother awake in his free time.
- He doesn’t understand how someone can sleep so much—life would be so boring if all he did was sleep.
- Calls Belphie Nurse Shark.
- Like some of his older brothers, Belphie doesn’t like the idea of you dating because he thinks he’s going to lose you.
- Despite this, he doesn’t really mind Floyd due to his chill personality, but the seventh brother doesn’t like it when the eel’s violent tendencies come out.
- Gets chills seeing Floyd’s creepy smile and worries about your safety at times, but then you reassure him, and Belphie kinda back off. He refuses to trust Floyd fully.
- Far from happy with the nickname Floyd gave him. Why is the “nurse” part there? Satan explains to him, “Nurse Shark is one of the laziest, if not the laziest, sea creatures.”
- Though the name makes sense to him, Belphie still hates it, especially after the day he got a dream where he saw a shark with his hairstyle dressed as a nurse.