Teen MC 33: Following Trends
Prompt: Could I request Obey Me headcanons for a teen MC being groomed on the internet? I know this sounds like an odd topic, but something I feel is really prevalent is the stuff that teens these days do online and the lack of intervention from adults. Teens just shouldn’t be dating online, and it’s so sad to see how they’re manipulated.
Gender: gn!teen!Reader
A/N: Platonic. I will treat your request as MC closely following different internet/trends.
- Lucifer heard you crying and asked what happened? He was worried they were injured or someone had said something to them.
- But he wasn’t expecting MC to say their nose was too big, their skin had textures, and their figure was not on trend.
- “I need surgery to make my nose smaller…and stop eating and exercise more. Is there a way to get rid of skin texture? Maybe I should ask -“
- “(Y/n), you are fine as you are. Would you kindly stop belittling yourself?” Lucifer sat down beside you and squeezed your hand between his hands. “You may not believe me, but you are perfect. Your nose suits your face. Your skin texture adds to your beauty. Your body is beautiful. There is no need to follow trends. Follow what makes you content, not to suit the unnecessary standards of insecure people.”
- Lucifer never understood trends but didn’t bother to stop Asmo. Now, though, seeing you following the same trends bothers him much more than he wants to admit. Lucifer refuses to let you look down on yourself – your beautiful self.

- Mammon raised an eyebrow and pressed an ear to your door. What were you watching? Why did it sound like…oh hell nah.
- He kicked open your door and ran straight for you, not giving you enough time to react. He stared at your screen in horror.
- “(Y/n)…why are ya watchin’ things meant for adults? How did you learn ’bout this?”
- You rolled your eyes and told him you were already a teenager, which meant you were practically an adult. “Besides, everyone my age is watching stuff like this all the time.”
- “Well, you ain’t everyone. (Y/n), you’re different than ’em…so don’t go around comparin’ yourself to ’em,” Mammon sighed and shut the laptop but not before exiting the rated site. “You ain’t gotta do what others do – you’ve your own mind and thoughts…you’re your own individual. I’m not tryin’ to lecture ya or anythin’, but (y/n), enjoy the innocent times while ya still have ’em. ‘Cause when ya get older, you’re goin’ to wish you were back to these times…so enjoy it while ya still can, y’know.”
- Mammon set your laptop in front of you and met your eyes, “Also, I ain’t gonna tell Lucifer ’bout this, but if you go onto these kinds of sites again, I’m gonna tell him.”

- Levi went to get a glass of water in the kitchen, but as he passed your room, he heard you say, “So in today’s video, I will hang myself from this noose and see how long I can stay.”
- He ran into your room, only to find you standing on a small stool pretending to hang from the noose. What were you doing?
- A few days later, he found you in the woods with torn clothes and muddy makeup, making a video about how poor you were. He was confused but didn’t think much.
- Nothing made sense to him until he found your social media account. Were you doing all this for clout? Were you lying to your audience just to get likes and views?
- Levi almost brushed it aside as you were trying to make it on social media, but then he saw the comments. Most of the comments were criticizing the demon brothers for not taking care of you.
- It finally clicked. For the past two weeks, he and his brothers got hateful looks and nasty glares whenever they went outside. No one knew what was happening, not even Lucifer. He brought this up to Diavolo, but even the prince was clueless.
- “(Y/n), can you stop?” Levi was nervous about confronting you alone but had to get answers.
- “Stop what?”
- “Making posts for clout. Did you s-see the comments? Everyone is looking down on us…”
- “Who cares what they say? Just ignore them! My videos are getting so popular. Did you see how many likes and comments I got on my last video?”
- Were likes and comments the only things that mattered to you? You were destroying their reputation and hurting them as well. They worked hard to build their reputation in Devildom, but that didn’t matter to you, did it?
- Levi quietly dragged his feet out of your room. He needed to tell his brothers before things got worse, but you would get mad at him. Why did he have to be the one to find out the reason the truth?

- “You fckng b*tch.”
- Satan stared at you with wide eyes. Since when did you start using such language?
- “Your outfit is just like your face. Ugly.”
- That was uncalled for. He watched the poor lady you criticized walk away with tears in her eyes. Where did the (y/n) he knew go, and who was this new person?
- ‘You are such a bad actor. No one likes you, and your movies are horrible. Find a bridge and jump off.’ Satan watched over your shoulder as you posted that comment on the actor’s recent post.
- Okay, this was crossing the line. Day in and out, he heard you using cuss words, trolling people online, and roasting everyone around you, including his brothers.
- “(Y/n), what enjoyment do you get from hurting others?”
- “Hurting? What are you talking about?”
- “You just told the actor to take his life…” Satan furrowed his brows.
- “I don’t have anything against the actor. This is just how people talk today – it’s on trend.”
- “And the day you told the lady her outfit was ugly like her face?”
- “She asked for my opinion, so I roasted her.”
- “And when you cuss others out?” He curiously asked.
- “It’s cool to use cuss words,” you laughed.
- So that was it, huh? You were hurting others and demeaning them because it was trendy and seemed cool. Did you forget people had feelings? Your words had the power to hurt them? What if the actor actually listened to your comments and jumped off the bridge then what?
- Satan massaged his temples as he felt a headache coming on. He had to figure out how to teach you an unforgettable lesson so you would stop following useless and mean trends.

- Asmo was all about being charming, cute, and seductive when needed, especially when it came to his social media posts. There’s nothing wrong with giving your followers a little fan service. But what you were doing was unacceptable, even for him.
- “Why are you doing this, (y/n)?” He asked uncomfortably.
- “What? The thirst traps? I’m adding a little oomph for my followers. What’s wrong with that?”
- “You are not an adult…and there are creeps out there who might be misusing your content…”
- “That’s not my problem. I am following my heart, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” you huffed. “Why do you care anyway?”
- “I do care. About you and your well-being…at least wait until you are a legal adult.”
- “Don’t lecture me, Mom. I’m done talking about this.”
- Asmo watched you stomp out of his room while biting down on his lower lip – your behavior almost had him in tears. He needed to talk to his brothers about this.

- “No, I don’t want to eat that…”
- “Are you feeling okay?” Beel asked, concerned. “Your…taste has changed, and you’re a picky eater…did something happen?”
- “No. Oh, Beel! Let’s go to that cafe.”
- Even at the cafe, you were more interested in taking photos of the food than eating it. Beel watched you in confusion but brushed it aside until you took one bite of the sandwich and winced. Despite not enjoying the taste, you continued to eat it.
- “Why are you forcing yourself to eat something you don’t like? I can finish it for you…”
- You shook your head, “This sandwich is trending on social media, so I have to eat it.”
- Your words made no sense to him. Why were you eating something you disliked just to follow a trend? Your food choice should be based on your liking, not what social media tells you to eat. “(Y/n), are you only eating trending food?”
- “Yup! I want to feel included.”
- Beel sighed. That was far from healthy. He wondered if Solomon’s cooking became a trend tomorrow, would you still eat it?

- Belphie was asleep on your shoulder and woke to find you texting someone.
- You were a little too friendly, but he assumed you were talking to your close friend. Then you switched to a different chat and were just as friendly.
- “(Y/n)…who are you talking to? Your friends…?”
- “Nope. They are strangers?”
- He sat straight up and stared at you with wide eyes. “Haven’t you heard of stranger danger?”
- “That’s stupid.”
- “But (y/n)…you are giving out personal information…”
- “You are overthinking.”
- “No, (y/n),” Belphie sighed, “That’s not okay. People aren’t as nice as you think. They might try to take advantage of you…”
- “Belphie, I know what I’m doing. OMG! Stop lecturing me.”
- After that response, Belphie didn’t say anything and excused himself. He half wanted you to learn your lesson the hard way but didn’t want you to have permanent scars.
- He plans to talk to his brothers later to figure out how to scare you to get you to understand the possible consequences of your actions.