
Prompt: What are his favorite things about you? From A to Z. 

Gender: gn!Reader

Malleus banner for twisted wonderland.
  • Accepting him for who he is. Many people see him as a monster due to his appearance and abilities, but you look past his horns and power and see him for who he is. Malleus truly admires you for that.  
  • Borrowing his clothes. He loves seeing you wear his clothes when the two of you are alone. The best part is that your scent lingers on his clothes afterward, so when he wears them, he feels like he is hugging you. 
  • Climbing on objects. Malleus can’t get enough of you climbing up on tall objects just so you can be taller than him. He has a hard time resisting your cuteness. 
  • Dressing up. The prince loves seeing you wearing formal clothes, and whenever you dress up, Malleus can’t take his eyes off you. 
  • Excited. Whenever you get excited about something, your face lights up, your cuteness meter skyrockets, and the dragon LOVES seeing that excited side of yours. 
  • Forehead kisses. He loves it when you ask him to bend down so that you can kiss his forehead. 
  • Glares. Malleus likes seeing your playful glares directed towards him, of course. Sometimes, he goes out of his way to tease you just to see you glare at him. It makes him chuckle. 
  • Hugs. The dragon is touch starved, so even a small hug from you is enough to make him smile. 
  • Invitation to do anything. Everyone always forgets to invite him to events and meetings, but when you invite him to do something, no matter how small, it makes Malleus happy. 
  • Jokes. He will laugh at any and every joke you tell him, no matter how corny or stupid the joke might be. 
  • Kind. He really loves to see you doing kind deeds for others, even if the deeds are small. Kindness is a form of purity, and seeing your pure side makes Malleus want to protect you. 
  • Lovingly touching his cheeks. He loves it when you brush your fingertips on his cheeks, cup his cheeks, or just press your palm on the side of his face.
  • Mutual friendship. The dragon considers Lilia, Silver, and Sebek as his family, so accepting them as your friends (or even family) makes Malleus happy.  
  • Naughty. Malleus secretly likes it when you do or say something mischievous or even naughtily tease him, but be prepared to face the consequences.
  • Opening your heart to him. For the most part, the prince can tell in one glance how you are feeling and what you are thinking. Despite that, he still wants to hear it from you, so when you’re feeling down, need a hug, or need to share something with him, Malleus will gladly listen. 
  • Patience. He’s not fully familiar with the ways and works of humans, so there are times when he doesn’t know how to use devices or objects, and he really appreciates your patience with him. 
  • Quirky traits. Malleus likes your quirky traits, no matter what they are, as those traits make you different from others.
  • Romantic gestures. The prince is a secret die-hard romantic and truly enjoys every little romantic thing you do for him, even something as simple as giving him a red rose. 
  • Stroking his horns. His horns are a symbol of pride and of high importance to him, and he doesn’t allow just anyone to touch them. But you can touch them all you want – in fact, Malleus loves it when you stroke them. It makes him feel relaxed. 
  • Trusting him. Trust in a relationship is very important for the prince, and your trust in him means the world to Malleus. 
  • Unspoken exchanges. When the two of you are walking past each other, and you graze your finger against his, or when you meet his gaze across the courtyard and give him a soft, loving smile – Malleus genuinely loves those moments. 
  • Voice. Malleus loves to listen to your voice—it’s literally music to his ears—and can listen to you talk for hours on end. 
  • Wish him good night every day. He waits for your good night text daily, and in case you forget to send it to him, he will not sleep the entire night and sulk the next day until you apologize and kiss him.  
  • X-ray. Malleus likes it when you are transparent with him, especially about your feelings. 
  • Your stories. Malleus is very curious about humans, their history, you, and your past. Tell him a story about any of these topics, and he will happily listen.  
  • Zen moment. Getting a soft kiss from you, be it on his head, lips, nose, or cheeks.

Leo Banner4

  • Asking to play with his ears. Your expression when you ask for permission to play with his ears is too cute for him to resist. He will never say or show it, but Leona has a hard time saying no when you give him that look.
  • Brushing his hair. He sometimes feels too lazy to brush his hair, so when you volunteer to do it, the lion is happy. Not to mention, he likes the feeling of you gently running the brush bristles through his hair.
  • Caring without nagging. Leona doesn’t like nagging or being told what to do, so when you look out for him without telling him to go to class or to stop sleeping, he appreciates it. 
  • Defending him. People usually say negative things about him, so when you stand up for him, Leona appreciates it. You standing up for him also tells Leona how much you care about him.  
  • Encouragement. He might not say thank you and might come off as he doesn’t care, but Leona appreciates your encouraging words. 
  • Feistiness. Leona likes seeing your feisty side and thinks it’s attractive.
  • Growls. When the lion growls at you, and you growl back, he finds that hot. Leona can’t deny that sometimes he growls at you on purpose just to hear you growl back at him. 
  • Head pats. He growls when you pat his head, but on the inside, Leona really likes getting the pats.  
  • Interlace your fingers with his. When the two of you walk side by side, and you link your fingers with his, he can’t help but smile.    
  • Jealous side. Everyone had a jealous side, and Leona especially loves seeing yours. Like the time when a group of women surrounded him, and you grabbed his arm and dragged him away from there while glaring daggers at the women. 
  • Kissing his eye scar. Leona isn’t conscious about the mark on his eye, but he can’t get enough of you kissing it. But he doesn’t like how you stare at his scar sometimes – Leona promises the scar doesn’t hurt, so please stop looking at it with a pain-filled gaze. 
  • Loving gaze. The way you look at him, even when he’s napping – yes, he knows you’re staring at him even while sleeping. He can clearly see how much you love him just by looking into your eyes. 
  • Moody. If you have a moody side, Leona will be amused. He likes things that are unpredictable, and your moody side is one of his favorites.
  • Napping together. He likes it when you sometimes skip classes and choose to nap with him. 
  • Optimistic. Leona believes that things are set in stone for him, and he sees no hope for his future, so when you show even a slight bit of optimism – be it in his future or yours – he somehow feels the weight on his shoulders lift a little.  
  • Protective. The lion finds it adorable when you tell him not to do something dangerous or else he might get hurt. He can annihilate just about anyone, but seeing you worrying about him makes him want to protect you.
  • Quiet time together. Leona likes that the two of you can be in the same room yet be worlds apart. Sometimes, he just wants to be in your presence without having to interact with or talk to you. 
  • Red cheeks. He loves to see you blush, especially as a result of him flirting with you or teasing you. 
  • Smile. Whenever he sees your smile, Leona thinks everything is going to be okay. 
  • Telling him he’s the best. Being number one is what Leona wants, so hearing you call him the best gives him massive confidence and an ego boost. 
  • Understanding him. You are the first person in his life who has understood him and seen him for who he is, and he honestly couldn’t ask for more.  
  • Vulnerable. Whenever you show him your vulnerable side, Leona feels like you trust him and has the urge to protect you more. 
  • Warmth. He loves using you as a pillow, holding you in his arms, or having you sit between his legs while he uses your head as a chin rest. 
  • X-ray. If you don’t like something or don’t want him to do something, he likes it when you are transparent about it. At times, it may hurt his feelings, but eventually, Leona sees it’s for the betterment of your relationship.
  • You being yourself. Leona hates it when people pretend to be something they are not, and he admires you for always being yourself, especially around him.
  • Zen moment. His favorite zen moment is resting his head on your lap as you gently stroke his head. 
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