This is My Home
Prompt: Headcanons for gn!mc doesn’t want to go home because their family is abusive, and they have no friends.
Gender: gn!Reader
Warning: Mentions of abusive family.
A/N: Platonic.
When Lucifer messaged you to come to the Student Council meeting, you were expecting them to talk to you about helping out in RAD, but the words that came out of Diavolo’s mouth shocked you.
“(Y/n), it saddens me to have to say these words, but the exchange program is coming to an end. We would like to have a farewell party for you. Would that be alright?”
‘Home? I have to go back home?’
Images of all the abuse you had faced started to resurface, and your body began to tremble. Tears clouded your vision as your lips slowly parted, “P-Please n-no. Let me stay. Please!”
Diavolo was shocked but your reaction, but he calmly asked, “(Y/n), what is the matter? Why do you not wish to go home?”
“I…I…” You lowered your gaze and squeezed your eyes shut, “I have no friends…and at home…I get a-abused. Please, let me stay here. I never thought I could be happy, but all of you have been so nice to me. I want to be stay here. I want to stay with all of you. Please don’t take my happiness away.”
- Lucifer clenched his fists under the table when he heard the word, “I get abused.” Why had you not told him this before? One hint was all he needed and had you told him earlier, Lucifer would have talked to Diavolo about letting you stay in Devildom.
- He glanced at Diavolo, and after getting a nod from the prince, Lucifer made his way to you. Wrapping one arm around your shoulder, he brought you closer to his side. “(Y/n), we shan’t send you back to your world. Devildom is your home, and we are your family. I will not allow anyone to steal your happiness.”
- Speaking of stealing happiness, Lucifer was not going to let your abusive family get away with hurting you – he planned to teach them an unforgettable lesson.
- There was no way Mammon was going to let you go home, not after hearing your words and seeing your frightened state.
- Mammon didn’t care for following the rules and jumped down from his student council seat before running to you. He tightly wrapped his arms around your body and whispered, “Don’t cry. I won’t let them send ya back home. You’re safe here…safe with me. If anyone tries to hurt ya here, I’ll make ‘em pay.”
- He knew for the most part that Diavolo would not send you back home, but in case he did, Mammon was ready to stand by your side.
- After hearing the truth about your family, Satan had to control his mind from going into full rage mode. This was not the time and place to unleash his wrath.
- Satan stood up and looked at Diavolo and Lucifer, “I would like to petition against sending (y/n) back. Actually, no, I refuse to let anyone send them back to their world. They have suffered more than enough.“
- Without waiting for the final verdict, Satan took hold of your hand and walked out of the council room. “Please don’t cry anymore, (y/n). You are in a safe place now, and I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.”
- Asmo gasped and covered his mouth. How did he miss something so important? Did you hint at your past, and did he not understand the hint? How could your own family put you through so much pain?
- “Sweetie, please don’t cry! We won’t send you back. Lucifer, Diavolo, let them stay here. I will take full responsibility for (y/n); already have a place in the House of Lamentation. Besides, I honestly can’t imagine staying without them anymore.”
- Asmo glanced at you and smiled gently, “You have become such a major part of our lives. Sweetie, we have put you through a lot since you came to Devildom. Now, it’s our time to help you and support you. You don’t need to cry or suffer anymore.”
- Beel clutched his fists, but the expression on his face was not anger. He was sad as he couldn’t understand why your own family would hurt you. Family members were supposed to look after each other, not abuse them. Not even his dysfunctional family of demons was that twisted.
- Seeing you crying and shaking in the middle of the student council room, Beel quickly made his way to you and threw his arms around you.
- “Don’t cry, (y/n). We won’t send you back. You are already a part of my family, and as your new family, we will protect you and your smile.” He pulled away and gently wiped your tears away. “Trust me, okay? I…don’t want to see you in pain, so can I please see your bright smile?”
- Levi tensed up when he saw you in tears and heard your words. You were also sad the whole time? Was that why he was able to connect to you on an emotional level?
- But wait, if you trusted him, why didn’t you tell him about your family in the human realm? Diavolo wasn’t planning to send you back after hearing what you had been through, right? No, he wouldn’t let the prince steal your happiness away.
- Levi hopped to his feet and ran in front of you, shielding you from Diavolo and his brothers’ view. “I won’t let anyone send (y/n) home. They deserve to be happy…so Diavolo, Lucifer, let them stay!”
- Belphie’s eyes grew wide, and his expressions morphed into a mixture of anger and disgust. How could your parents put you through hell? Weren’t parents supposed to take care of their children? If they didn’t want those children, why were they having kids in the first place?
- He slammed his fist on the table before walking towards you. There was no way he would let anyone send you back, not even Diavolo. Ever since you came to Devildom, you have been nothing but patient with everyone, and on top of that, you selflessly helped everyone. He even hurt you, but you forgave him and became his friend, and Belphie was not going to let his friend get hurt again.
- “Lucifer, (y/n) is staying!” Belphie rested his hand on your head and glanced at Diavolo. “And if anyone wants to send them back, they will have to go through me first. Let’s go home, (y/n) – back to the House of Lamentation.”
- Diavolo’s eyes softened at hearing your words. Had you suffered that much in the human realm? After hearing about your past, sending you back home was not an option, but would you be safe in Devildom? Most of the demons were used to your presence, but some wanted you gone.
- “(Y/n), allow me to speak my mind. I shall give you an option to stay here, but carefully listen to my warning. If you stay in Devildom, you will face danger as there are demons who will not be content with a human living here. I have connections in the human world, and if you wish to live in your world, I can use those connections to find you a job and a place of residence.”
- Diavolo gave a comforting smile, “In case you wish to stay here, I, as well as the brothers and Barbatos, will protect you. We do care about you and your happiness, but the choice to stay in Devildom or the Human Realm is yours and yours alone.”
- Even after hearing about your past, his face remained expressionless. The day Belphie attacked you and Diavolo asked him to use his powers, Barbatos caught a glimpse into your past. The butler knew what you had been through but stayed silent as he wanted to give you a chance to reveal your past when you were ready.
- Now, Barbatos was interested in knowing which world you would choose. He could have looked into your future, but that would be no fun.
- One thing he knew for sure was that your future was going to be better than your past. No one would take your happiness away, and your relationship with the brothers and Diavolo would remain as it was now.