Troublesome Brothers
Prompt: MC is exhausted from having to fix all the brothers’ problems so they’re just sleeping for like a week straight. How would the brothers and the dateables react?
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Luke platonic.
- Who do I need to punish!?
- Then a line of questions follows. Who would tire you out to this point? Is Devildom getting to you? Does he need to send you back to your world? What will he tell Diavolo?
- Lucifer doesn’t know where to start, but then Simeon hints that he and his brothers are the reason behind your fatigue.
- He swallows his pride and let’s guilt take over. How could he be so careless? He’s supposed to be watching over you, yet…
- Lucifer calls his brothers for an emergency meeting and explains the situation to them. All the demons feel guilty and decide to write an apology letter to you.
- Once you wake up, Lucifer hands you the letters and asks you to take it easy for the time being.
- If any of his brothers dare to fight in front of you, he will glare them down until they shrink into a corner.
- Mammon runs around the House of Lamentation crying and calling his brothers while yelling that you’re dead.
- All the demons drop everything and rush to your room. Lucifer checks on you while Satan hits Mammon upside the head for scaring them.
- Once he learns that you’re just sleeping, he calms down a bit but is still worried.
- Mammon waits for you to wake up next to your bed. He doesn’t even leave the room to sleep or eat. Beel has to bring him food half-eaten food.
- When you wake up, he greets you with a bone-crushing hug and tears in his eyes. Then he asks if you’re okay and what happened. He adds that he was afraid that he lost you.
- If you choose to tell him the truth, he will be upset at himself for letting this happen to you. Mammon will promise that he will not cause you any trouble.
- He doesn’t tell you this, but Mammon got into a habit of watching you sleep. So sometimes, at night, he sneaks into your room and sleeps there.
- NO NO NO NO NO!!! This can’t be happening!
- Levi starts panicking, then freezes, then starts panicking again. Blood is rushing to his mind, and he feels dizzy.
- Did I do something to hurt her? Did someone else hurt her? Did I keep her up too late? Maybe I shouldn’t have forced her to watch me play video games the entire night!
- Levi sits against your bedframe with his knees to his chest, holding his head in his hands.
- Only when his brothers come to check on you does he learn that you are just sleeping.
- When you wake up, Levi is restlessly pacing around the room. As soon as he sees you awake, he nearly throws his arms around you but then blushes and backs away.
- “Normie, can’t you take care of yourself? You had all of us worried.”
- No matter how much he pressures you to tell him the reason behind your tiredness, please don’t say a word. Levi will not be able to handle the truth, so spare the poor demon.
- His rage gets to him, and Satan nearly wipes out half of Devildom. Thankfully, Lucifer, Beel, and Diavolo are about to stop him.
- While the eldest brother searches for answers, Satan stays in your room and looks at you.
- A thought crosses his mind…will a true loves kiss wake her up? Humans and angels are going to school in hell, so it’s not a farfetched idea, right?
- Wrong.
- He kisses you, but you continue to sleep. Satan has never felt this embarrassed in his life.
- “I need to stop reading romantic novels.”
- He is thankful that none of his brothers are there to witness this moment; otherwise, they won’t let him live it down.
- Satan patiently waits for you to wake up, and when you do, he can’t look in the eyes. One thought keeps racing in his mind: what if she finds out I kissed her while she was asleep?
- Oh no! My lovely sweetie is not waking up!
- Asmo is truly worried about your health. Your skin will be well-rested, but not washing cleaning your skin will cause issues.
- You will no longer be tired, but your muscles will stiffen. You need to eat to survive, so not eating is going to be an issue.
- Asmo already feels wrinkles appearing on his skin from worrying so much. He asks Solomon for help, much to Lucifer’s dismay.
- When you wake up, Asmo immediately apologizes to you and tells you that you need to take better care of yourself.
- “If you don’t care for yourself, then you won’t be able to care for us!”
- Asmo becomes your partner in crime from then on. Whenever his brothers cause issues, he tries to help you, so that you don’t take on too much stress.
- When Beel hears that you have not woken up for a whole day, he runs into your room and flings open the door so hard that it rips from the hinges.
- He tries to wake you up by shaking you, hugging you, asking you to wake up, and even offering you your favorite food.
- Beel gets so worried that he binge eats more than usual. He even eats inedible objects.
- When you open your eyes, you see Satan sitting on the edge of your bed. He tells you to hurry and get ready.
- “Beel has been eating so much that all the grocery stores in Devildom are out of food. Now, he is trying…no…I am sure he has already started eating Diavolo’s castle. Only you can stop him.”
- She’s not waking up? Great, I have a nap partner!
- Belphie takes this chance to nap with you every day. He is worried about you, but what better way to watch over you than sleeping by your side?
- Belphie learns from Beel that the brothers are the reason for your condition. He makes up his mind that he’s going to force you to nap with him daily. That way you can at least get some rest, and he can use that as an excuse to spend more alone time with you.
- His brothers ask him to leave you alone, but Belphie doesn’t listen to them. He doesn’t want to miss this chance to snuggle with you.
- When you wake up, you see Belphie’s face in front of you. He is fast asleep with his arms wrapped around your waist.
- She hasn’t woken up in days? YOU TELL ME THIS NOW?
- Diavolo drops everything and visits you. After seeing your exhausted face, he asks Barbatos to cancel all his meetings and appointments.
- The King of Demons carries you back to the castle and asks the best doctors to attend to you. On the side, he also asks Barbatos to look into the situation.
- When the demon butler informs him about the reason, Diavolo isn’t sure how to react. He is angry, but he doesn’t want to point fingers without getting your perspective first. So, he holds back on taking action until you wake up.
- When you open your eyes, you see Diavolo’s large form cuddling with you. He looks like an angel a puppy while sleeping.
- Diavolo mumbles something in his sleep. Something along the lines of “(Y/N), wake up soon…I love you”.
- Oh dear, I was hoping this would not happen.
- When you last visited Diavolo’s castle, Barbatos noticed that you were exhausted. He even asked if you were alright, but you brushed his concerns aside.
- It didn’t take him long to learn the reason behind your fatigue, and the demon butler was unhappy, to say the least.
- After getting permission from Diav, Barbatos shifts you to the castle.
- Once you are settled in the castle, the butler sends the brothers a basket of their favorite foods along with a note saying to take care of themselves.
- The brothers are delighted to eat their favorites, but their excitement diminishes as soon as they put the first bite into their mouths.
- The flavors of the food are completely opposite; Asmo’s wicked cupcake is super spicy; Mammon’s spicy noodles are sickeningly sweet; Belphie’s sushi has nothing but wasabi…
- While the brothers are shell-shocked, Barbatos watches them through a window with a smile.
- “This is just the beginning.” He chuckles before heading back to the castle to tend to you.
- I should have stopped her from pushing herself too hard.
- Immediately comes to see you when Asmo tells him that you haven’t woken up in two days.
- You told him that you were tired and hinted that your fatigue was a result of helping the brothers and worrying about them. So why didn’t he stop you?
- Simeon feels immensely guilty for not catching your hint.
- He asks Lucifer if he can take you to Purgatory Hall. When the demon agrees, Simeon decides to tell Lucifer the truth.
- By no means does Simeon blame the demons, but he asks Lucifer to give you a break.
- When you wake up, you see Simeon sitting on a chair next to your bed. His head resting on your bed, and his hand gently holding onto yours.
- Luke enters the room and is happy to see you awake. He tells you that Simeon hasn’t slept in the past few days as the angel was too worried about you.
- Luke is upset with the brothers and blames them for your condition. Simeon has to hold him back.
- The young angel tells the demons that you’re much safer in Purgatory Hall, so henceforth, you will be staying with them.
- Luke asks Simeon to carry you back to their dorm. When the brothers protest, the angel says demons are not to be trusted.
- When you wake up, you see Luke sitting next to you, watching you with sad puppy eyes.
- The angel immediately throws his arms around you and says, you’re in a safe place now. He also promises that neither he nor Simeon will cause you any problems.
- Luke asks if you are hungry and hands you a plate of your favorite sweets.
- Solomon is shocked and considers using a potion to wake you up. But when he sees you resting well, he reconsiders.
- As a punishment for the troubles they caused you, Solomon comes to visit you every day and causes a few mishaps here and there.
- He also makes sure to irk some of the brothers Lucifer in the process.
- If Lucifer asks him to leave, Solomon taunts him by saying someone has to care for you since you’re too busy sorting out OTHER people’s problems.
- When you wake up, your entire room is filled with firefly-like orbs and your favorite flowers.
- Solomon greets you and gently strokes your hair before kissing your head. He immediately asks if you want to consider moving to his dorm.