True Love's Kiss

Prompt: Twisted Wonderland Boys (minus Ortho) x Reader, where Reader and the Adeuce duo were in potions class. Due to shenanigans, Reader falls into a Sleeping Beauty spell, where she’s asleep, and the only cure is True Love’s kiss.

Gender: fem!Reader


“W-Will she be okay?” Deuce nervously asked as he watched Crewel examining you. On the other hand, Ace had a serious expression and remained silent. The remainder of the students in class remained in a corner, and while some were glaring at Adeuce for their shenanigans, the others watched the professor.

After what felt like an eternity, Crewel sighed, “How did you puppies manage to concatenate such a potion? Regardless, there is a cure that should awaken the Sleeping Beauty.”

“Sleeping…Beauty…?” Ace repeated the professor’s words before his eyes widened. “You don’t mean…a true love’s kiss?”

A slight smirk tugged on Crewel’s lips. “So it seems you have intelligence, yet you choose to waste it. Yes, the only way to wake (y/n) is for her true love to kiss her.”

Malleus BannerTWST

  • As soon as Crewel confirmed your true love had to kiss you, Adeuce knew who was coming and immediately hid under a table. The last thing they wanted was to face Malleus’s wrath.
  • The dragon quietly walked into the classroom, his eyes solely focused on you. How dare someone put you in this condition! Even though Malleus’s expression was blank, everyone in the classroom could feel his anger radiating through the area. It had most of them quaking in their shoes. Even Crewel seemed uneasy.
  • Without wasting time, Malleus brushed your hair from your face and pressed a loving kiss on your forehead. While you stirred from your slumber, his hand continued to rest on your head as if to provide comfort.
  • Once you were fully awake, the prince scooped you in his arms and wordlessly walked out of the classroom.
  • Meanwhile, Lilia leaned against the doorframe. He was there to ensure that Malleus wouldn’t lose control of his temper. The ex-war general looked toward the desk where Adeuce hid and whispered the words. “The two of you pushed your limits this time around. You better be careful.”

Lilia BanTWST

  • Even though Lilia was worried, he still maintained a calm demeanor as he walked into the classroom. He didn’t need Crewel to tell him what he had to do to wake you up.
  • He took a moment to study you and found it amusing that he was part of a real-life Sleeping Beauty tale. Lilia had always assumed that Malleus would play the prince for obvious reasons.
  • Wordlessly, he walked up to you and playfully pecked your lips. Lilia made sure to keep his face close so when you opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was his teasing smile.
  • “If you wanted a kiss, you should have asked directly,” he whispered with a chuckle.
  • Once you had sat up, Lilia glanced at Adeuce. Though he didn’t say anything, a smile tugged on his lips. However, the smile didn’t reach Lilia’s lips, and his gaze made a chill run down the duo’s backs. They were in deep waters and knew it.

Silver BanTWST

  • Silver almost felt like he was in a dream when he walked into the classroom and saw you lying on a wooden table. All that was missing was a rose in your hand.
  • Even though he wasn’t keen on kissing you in front of so many students, mainly due to his worries about them teasing you, Silver stepped forward out of a sense of duty and care.
  • At that moment, he was your knight in shining armor, and he took your hand before bowing his head and placing a loving kiss on its back. The scene was so beautiful that it even moved Crewel.
  • Once you woke up, the professor explained what Ace and Deuce had done. Normally, you would have been mad, but seeing that Silver was still holding onto your hand, you couldn’t be angry.
  • Well, for now. Later, you planned to get them back for it and then give them a hug. If it wasn’t for them, Silver would not have kissed you. Although, somewhere deep down, you wished he had kissed your lips.

Sebek BanTWST

  • While he wasn’t happy about what happened to you, Sebek didn’t want to kiss you in public. He had an image to maintain – one of a dedicated and fearsome guard – and kissing you would give him the label of a softy. Something he didn’t want.
  • Malleus had to eventually push him, and since the orders came directly from the prince, Sebek couldn’t say no.
  • He slowly walked into the classroom, trying to keep his fearsome aura. But the closer he got to you, the more worried Sebek became.
  • Despite feeling awkward, Sebek got down on one knee, took your hand, and placed a quick kiss on it. But once you stirred, Sebek quickly released your hand, stood up, and stepped back.
  • He didn’t even wait for you to fully wake up and exited the room. Sebek felt too embarrassed to face you.
  • That entire day, Lilia teased him about being such a shy softy, much to Sebek’s dismay.

Leo Ban TWST

  • Leona was far from happy when he heard what had happened to you. The moment he stepped into the class, he growled at Adeuce, causing the duo to back into a corner.
  • However, the prince was far more concerned about your well-being. Setting aside his anger, Leona stepped closer to you. As he leaned down, there was a softness in his eyes.
  • He didn’t care who was watching and what they would think; all Leona wanted was to know that you were all right from your own mouth.
  • The prince pressed a light kiss to your lips before pulling away and intensely studying your face. When your eyebrows furrowed, Leona quietly sighed in relief and helped you sit up.
  • Even before you could ask what happened, the lion spun on his heels and growled at the duo again. Leona pounded his fist against his left hand as he glared fiercely at Ace and Deuce.
  • They were not getting out of this situation without learning an unforgettable lesson. Moreover, Crewel didn’t do anything to stop Leona and watched in amusement.

Ruggie TWST Ban

  • Ruggie rushed into the room and didn’t even look at Adeuce. His ears slightly lowered as his eyes focused on you. You were going to be okay, right?
  • The hyena didn’t waste any time and immediately kissed you, but he chose to plant a playful kiss on your cheek. It wasn’t like Crewel, or anyone said he had to kiss you in a particular place.
  • Knowing that students were watching, Ruggie wanted to be respectful to you. When you stirred, he sighed and gave you a quick hug.
  • While Crewel explained what happened to you, Ruggie threw glares at the duo. He wasn’t going to do anything to them at the moment, but the hyena would get them back when they least expected it.

Jack TWST Ban1

  • Jack flung the door open to the room so hard that he nearly ripped the door from the hinges. That was enough to have Ace and Deuce shaking.
  • When Crewel informs him that he needs to kiss you to wake you up, Jack’s cheeks turn red. There were so many people present, so how was he supposed to kiss you openly? Besides, he didn’t ask for your permission, so was it really okay?
  • The wolf knew he had no other choice, so he leaned down and pecked your lips.
  • After you woke up, Jack lightly patted your head. After Crewel explained what happened, he turned to the wolf and smirked. “Ah, did I forget to mention that it wasn’t necessary to kiss her on the lips?”
  • Jack’s face turned redder than before as he averted his eyes from Crewel. While embarrassed, Jack was far angrier at Ace and Deuce for always causing trouble for you.

Riddle Banner Twisted

  • Riddle flung the door and sent it flying against the wall behind it, leaving a crack in the drywall. His face was bright red, and while he was worried about you, Riddle was far angrier at Adeuce.
  • Not only did they cause you trouble, but they also shamed Heartslabyul. The next moment, the words “OFF. WITH. YOUR. HEAD.” echoed through the classroom. Adeuce sighed heavily but didn’t protest as they knew they deserved it.
  • When Crewel told Riddle what he had to do to wake you up, the house warden’s anger melted into embarrassment. However, he was determined to wake you up.
  • Putting aside his shyness, Riddle sighed and kissed you on the forehead. He held his breath until you opened your eyes and sat up.
  • For now, Riddle lets Ace and Deuce get away with only the magic-suppressing collar. But later, he planned to punish them even more.

Trey Banner Twisted

  • Trey calmly walked in, not surprised that Adeuce had caused more trouble. He didn’t get mad at the duo right away and focused on waking you up.
  • Even when Crewel told him that he needed to kiss you, Trey didn’t hesitate and gently kissed your lips. Once you woke up, he helped you to your feet and tussled your hair a little.
  • Seeing Trey this calm, Adeuce thought they were not in trouble and were relieved. However, later that day, Trey worked them to the bones in the kitchen, all the while watching them struggle with a smile on his lips.

Cater Banner Twisted

  • Though he was calm on the outside, Cater was panicking internally. He quickly rushed into the classroom, and when he saw you sleeping peacefully on the table, Cater was nearly tempted to pull out his phone and record everything.
  • When Crewel informed him about the kiss, he was excited but tried his best not to show his excitement openly. Leaning down, he gave you a playful kiss on your lips and reluctantly pulled back after a few seconds.
  • Once you woke up, he gave you a wink and immediately took a selfie before posting it on MagiCam with #truelove and #trueloveskiss.
  • Cater didn’t directly get back at the duo, but he made their lives harder for a few weeks in the dorm, his favorite being ratting them out to Riddle when they break any and every rule.

Ace Banner1

  • OH CRAP! Wait, did that mean he had to kiss you in front of the others? Ace wasn’t sure how to feel about this. A part of his was excited to kiss you, but the other was uncomfortable with so many prying eyes.
  • To calm himself down, he made a few jokes and playful comments. However, Crewel sighed, “Would you kindly wake (y/n)? You have wasted enough time.”
  • Seeing the professor hitting his teaching pointer on the palm of his left hand, Ace immediately rushed to you and kissed you. Before he could make the kiss last longer, Crewel yanked him back from you.
  • When you woke up and the professor told you everything, you glared at Ace, rolled up your sleeves and began to chase him around the classroom. While Deuce stayed out of your way, the other students laughed and recorded the incident. Even Crewel seemed a bit amused.

DeuceBanner TWST

  • Deuce started to apologize, but when he heard about the kiss, he froze up. His mind short-circuited, and he didn’t know what to do or say.
  • “Geez, kiss her already,” Ace mumbled.
  • Hearing those words, Deuce snapped and started to blame Ace for what had happened. Before the fight could get out physical or out of hand, Crewel stepped in and commanded Deuce to wake you up.
  • As sweat rolled down his face, he kissed your cheek, making Ace laugh. “What a scaredy c-“
  • Crewel lightly hit Ace’s arm with the teaching pointer before he could finish the sentence to prevent another fight.
  • When you woke up, and Crewel told you about what transpired, you glared at the duo. While Ace raised his hands in defense, Deuce apologized to you profusely.

Vil Banner TWST

  • With a huff, he gracefully walked into the classroom with Rook following him. Vil glared at Aduece as he made his way to the table you lay on.
  • He had the urge to lecture Crewel for not keeping the disaster duo in check, but he wanted to wake you up first. With one hand across his abdomen, Vil bowed and softly kissed your lips.
  • The students gasped as the scene looked like something straight out of a movie. Rook wanted to poetically express the beauty of the scene but knew Vil was already upset and didn’t want to make him angry.
  • Once you opened your eyes, Vil straightened his posture and snapped his head to Adeuce. Glaring daggers at them, he towered over the two and warned them to stop causing you trouble.
  • Vil didn’t ask Crewel for permission and took you along with him. Meanwhile, Adeuce were on the ground on their butts, still looking up at where Vil once stood. They were sweating profusely.

Rook Banner TWST

  • Rook burst into the room, scaring most of the students and startling Crewel. In a loud voice, he immediately broke into tragic poetry, further startling everyone.
  • Once Rook finished, Crewel informed him about the true love’s kiss, and the hunter once again broke into poetry. Knowing this would not end soon, the professor sat in a chair, one leg crossed over the other while massaging his temple with his right hand.
  • Eventually…Rook bowed and took your hand before giving it a long kiss. Even when you opened your eyes, you saw Rook repeatedly kissing the back of your hand while speaking in French.
  • The duo thought they had escaped Rook, but a few moments after the hunter left the classroom, two arrows flew in. Both arrows held a note and were close to Adeuces’ faces. One inch closer, and the tip would have gone through their noses.
  • The letters with the arrows had a threat, warning them to watch their back at every moment.

Epel Banner1

  • Epel hurried into the classroom in a panic, thinking you were in a coma. When Rook informed him about your condition, Epel’s mind froze at “eternally asleep” and didn’t hear anything else.
  • Seeing Epel’s panic, Crewel attempted to calm him down and explained what he needed to do. But that made Epel half panic and half embarrassed. What would his grandmother say if she learned he kissed you in front of so many people?
  • Ace began to tease Epel out of habit, which made him snap. “It’s all chur fault! Few hadn’t…um…I mean…”
  • Epel became quiet and turned his attention to you. Taking a deep breath, he leaned down and kissed your cheek quickly. A part of him wished he didn’t have to kiss your lips. Luckily for him, you woke up.
  • Epel was the only one who didn’t get mad at Adeuce or try to get back at them in any way.

Idia TWST Ban

  • His anxiety level rockets to the sky. Not only were you in trouble, but he had to come to a classroom filled with people. The horrors! Thankfully, Ortho was supportive, and Idia managed to walk into the classroom, albeit trembling.
  • Seeing you on the wooden table increased his anxiety even more; however, just when he thought things couldn’t get worse, Crewel told him about true love’s kiss. Idia felt the entire world spinning. He would have to kiss you in front of everyone? What had he done to deserve such a crewel cruel fate?
  • Ortho monitored his brother’s biometrics and could tell Idia would not be able to keep it together any longer. So, he went out of his way and bumped into Idia on purpose.
  • His push was so perfectly calculated that Idia lost his balance and ended up with his lips on yours. Realizing what he was doing, Idia squealed and stood up straight, nearly fainting.
  • Meanwhile, Crewel stood in the back and sighed. Just when one person woke up, another fainted. This would be a long day for him, especially with Crowley wanting an explanation for everything.

Azul TWST Banner1

  • He wasn’t surprised to hear that Adeuce had caused another issue. The duo was notorious for their shenanigans, and he had experienced it firsthand. A part of him wished that he could keep the anemones on their head until they graduated.
  • However, Azul wasn’t happy that they had directly caused such a strong effect on you. He was relieved that Crewel was there to overlook the situation and figure out a cure.
  • The octopus didn’t waste time and hurriedly walked into the classroom, ready to help you in any way until he heard that he had to give you a kiss.
  • Azul wasn’t expecting that and decided to approach this like a business transaction. However, as he lowered his lips closer to your face, a small voice echoed in the back of his head: what if he wasn’t your true love?
  • His heart raced out of control as he pecked your cheek quick and stood up straight, clearing his throat. Azul’s eyes were fixed on your face, waiting for the verdict to his question. But when you were opened, he was relieved and smiled warmly.
  • The next moment, he looked at Adeuce with a chilling gaze to let them know they were going to pay for this later.

Jade TWST Banner

  • Jade didn’t react when he heard the news about what happened to you. Floyd was with him and accompanied his twin to your classroom.
  • Seeing both eels, Adeuce exchanged a look and gulped loudly. They hoped that no one told the twins that they were responsible for what happened to you.
  • Jade leaned down to kiss your lips without hesitation but kept it short as he knew others were watching him. Neither eel moved until you stirred and slowly opened your eyes.
  • Jade helped you sit up and asked if you were all right. Meanwhile, Floyd turned his head to Adeuce and gave him a cold, toothy grin. As Jade helped you to your feet, Ace and Deuce ran out of the classroom, and Floyd chased after them.

Floyd Banner TWST

  • Floyd casually strolled into your classroom and studied you expressionlessly. Seeing the lack of expression on his face, the students and Crewel were tense.
  • Much to their relief, Floyd walked up to you and swiftly kissed you. He didn’t pull his lips away until you had fully opened your eyes and saw him kissing you.
  • Once he pulled away and helped you sit up, the eel slowly turned his head to Adeuce. Like a creepy doll in a horror movie, Floyd’s head very slowly turned to the duo.
  • When he met their gazes, his lips parted and twisted into a deadly smile. The duo knew what was coming their way and ran behind Crewel for protection.
  • However, the professor stepped out of the way. “You deserve this.” From his voice, it seemed like Crewel was enjoying the sight of Adeuce trembling.
  • By the time Floyd was done with them, the duo felt like someone had squeezed their organs out of them.


  • As soon as Kalim heard about your condition, he dropped everything and ran to your classroom, knocking over a few students on the way.
  • He rushed into the room without paying attention to his surroundings. Kalim’s widened eyes were on you and you only. Before Crewel could warn him about the flasks on the ground, Kalim stepped on one and lost his balance.
  • The next thing he knew, his lips were firmly pressed against yours. When you opened your eyes, Kalim was half on top of you with a WIDE grin. He was relieved to see you and didn’t realize the position the two of you were in.
  • Sighing, Crewel pulled Kalim away from you after seeing the shocked expressions on the other student’s faces. Even then, Kalim threw his arms around you and hugged you tightly, happy you were okay.


  • Jamil was far from happy when he heard what Ace and Deuce did. Sometimes, he wanted to label them as Kalim 2 and Kalim 3, but at least Kalim got into trouble out of his clumsiness and innocence. Meanwhile, Ace got into trouble on purpose, and Deuce’s anger got the better of him.
  • He rushed into the classroom and asked Crewel about your condition. A kiss? While Jamil was relieved that you would be fine in no time, he felt a bit awkward to kiss you with so many eyes on him.
  • Sighing heavily, he glared at Adeuce before making his way to you. Leaning in, he pressed his lips on yours but didn’t let the kiss last long.
  • As soon as you opened your eyes, you saw a deep crimson on Jamil’s cheek and wondered what happened.
  • While Jamil didn’t plan to get the duo back immediately, he knew what he would do to make them pay. Ace was going to get it during Basketball Club practice, and Deuce would get it when he least expected it.
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