TWST Daily Writing Prompts for November
⭐ I am writing Yuu for consistency, but feel free to use your OCs.
Nov 1 – Yuu gets an expected visitor in the middle of the night on a school day. Which dorm leader is it, and what is his reason for visiting?
Nov 2 – Yuu gets separated from the students during a night hike. Which character finds them?
Nov 3 – One day, Yuu finds a strange relic in Ramshackle dorm during cleaning. What power does it hold, and who does Yuu show it to first?
Nov 4 – Two characters compete for Yuu’s attention over a trivial disagreement. How do they try to one-up each other?
Nov 5 – An experiment goes wrong, and Yuu turns into their soul animal. What is the reaction of all the students in one of the dorms?
Nov 6 – Yuu forgets a character’s birthday, and the character acts cold all day. How does Yuu make it up to them? What is the reaction of the character’s dorm members?
Nov 7 – While studying late in the library, Yuu finds a secret room. Who else knows about it? What’s in the room?
Nov 8 – Yuu is tired of not having magical powers, but their powers manifest in their dreams. What power does Yuu have, and how do 5 of your favorite characters react to the power?
Nov 9 – Yuu receives a letter from someone in their old world. How did the letter get there? What’s in the letter? Who is the first person to find Yuu reacting to the letter?
Nov 10 – Yuu accidentally gets caught in a prank war between two dorms, started by Ace & Deuce due to a misunderstanding. What is going on between the two dorms? How will Yuu resolve it?
Nov 11 – Someone cooked for Yuu and left the food in front of Ramshackle’s main door. Who cooked? How is the food? Why did they cook for Yuu?
Nov 12 – Vargas takes everyone camping, and Yuu is stuck sharing a tent with someone. Who is the student? What happens when they have to go to sleep, and the tent is too small to fit both of them?
Nov 13 – Yuu somehow turns into a dragon. What is the reaction of your favorite character? How does Malleus react? Who helps Yuu return to normal?
Nov 14 – Yuu doesn’t have anyone to talk to during the night and wandering into the magic mirror’s room. What secrets does the mirror reveal?
Nov 15 – A mysterious figure takes Yuu to the Royal Sword Academy. What is the reaction of your favorite dorm? How do they rescue Yuu?
Nov 16 – The magic in the TWST world stops working. What will the characters do now? Who will have the hardest time, and who will not care?
Nov 17 – An odd rumor is circulating about Yuu around the campus. Who started the rumor and why? Who helps Yuu convince others that the rumor is false?
Nov 18 – Yuu and a character get trapped somewhere on the campus. What do they do to pass the time? How are they found?
Nov 19 – Crowley is genuinely kind to the students, and it’s creepy. Who is responsible, and what are the reactions of the dorm leaders?
Nov 20 – Snowball fight! The students have one minute to choose if they’ll be part of Team A or B. Team A is led by Crewel, while B is led by Vargas. Which student will go to which team, and what is the outcome?
Nov 21 – Yuu shares a story from their past with all the students of one dorm. What is the story? What do the students think about what happened?
Nov 22 – One of the dorms is haunted, and all the students are perturbed. Who do they call? Ghostbu- no, Yuu. They’ve experience living with ghosts. What chaos occurs?
Nov 23 – Yuu has an eerie dream, and your favorite character has the same dream. What is the dream about? Why did Yuu and the character share the same dream?
Nov 24 – Is that a familiar following Yuu? How did it get there? What does it look like? What are the reactions of the first five characters that come to your mind?
Nov 25 – Yuu receives a mysterious bouquet, but there’s no note attached. Each flower has a meaning. What do the flowers symbolize? Who sent them, and why?
Nov 26 – Grim opened too many cans of tuna. Now, Ramshackle smells fishy. What are the reactions of 10 characters? How do they help Yuu?
Nov 27 – Yuu has two secret admirers, but unknown to the two, Yuu likes someone else. How will Yuu solve this problem without hurting anyone?
Nov 28 – It’s Thanksgiving, and everyone is celebrating in the cafeteria. But nothing can go smoothly at NRC, right? A food fight breaks out.
- Challenge: Include all characters.
Nov 29 – Help! All the dorm leaders are missing, and it has nothing to do with overblotting. Turns out the leaders snuck out because they were tired of dealing with the students. What chaos happens in each dorm?
Nov 30 – Everyone is preparing to return to their homes for winter break. Your top 4 characters invite Yuu to their homes for the break. Who does Yuu go with, and what happens during the winter break?