What Makes Them Blush

Prompt: What makes them blush for teams W and B (not necessarily about MC, just stuff that could make them embarrassed/shy/turned on/exited enough to blush), and ranking on how easily they turn red for all characters.

Gender: gn!Reader

A/N: The characters are in the order of easily blushes to hardly.


  • Teasing. Whenever you or anyone else teases him, Mizuki blushes, sometimes out of embarrassment, sometimes out of anger. 
  • Winking. If you, keyword you, wink at him, Mizuki won’t be able to stop himself from blushing. 
  • Cooking for him. But this only works if it’s you.
  • Your bright smile. Seeing your smile makes his heart race, in turn making his cheeks burn. 
  • Kisses. Any time you give him kisses, even if he is expecting them, Mizuki will go red. 
  • Teasing with food. Tease him in private with food, and things will get very rated very quickly. 


  • Anything and everything.
  • Compliment his appearance, and he will blush.
  • Compliment his gaming skills, and he won’t know how to react and turn red.
  • Blow him a kiss, and he will freeze in place and turn into a tomato. If Akira is around, he will tease Taiga, which will only make his cheeks redder.
  • Give him hugs, especially when his teammates are around. The comments from Team W will only make things “worse” for him.


  • Anything cute. Kongou can’t resist cute, be it a person or animal, and his cheeks will go red. But if you act cute, Kongou will feel like Cupid shot an arrow right at his heart and blush uncontrollably. 
  • Receiving praises. Any type of compliment, from you working hard to you cooking well, will make his cheeks pink. 
  • Eyes on his body. What makes Kongou blush the hardest is when people stare at his physique or fan about it. 


  • Flirting back with him. The sexier your words, the more he will blush.
  • Blowing him kisses when he is not expecting it or surprising him with kisses.
  • Singing or humming his songs. This not only makes him feel special, but Akira also blushes at the thought that you like his songs and he’s on your mind.
  • Telling him you love him. The more genuine your words, the more his cheeks will turn red.
  • Teasing him in public places. Walking past him and purposely brushing your fingers against his abs, wearing a skirt, uncrossing your legs, parting them for him before re-crossing them again – anything of that sort will make Akira’s brain freeze.


  • Complimenting his song. When you say any nice words about his rapping abilities or the lyrics, Heath will happily blush. 
  • Hugs. Be it from you or his teammates, you will see his cheeks change color. 
  • Getting gifts for no reason. It just makes him happy, regardless of the gift – for Heath, it’s the thought that counts. 
  • Surprise kisses from you. Anywhere on his face.
  • Sharing the same bed. Heath turns the reddest when you ask him to share the same bed with you. His mind doesn’t go to the gutter, but the thought of your comforting presence by his side and waking up to see your face makes him blush. 


  • Teasing him back. Do this when he least expects it, and you will get to see his cheeks glow. 
  • Back hugs. Randomly surprise him with back hugs, especially around his teammates, and Rico won’t be able to stop blushing. 
  • Teasing with clothes. In public, meet his eyes and pull down your sleeve little by little or teasing lift up your skirt just a little or unbutton one button on your top or your jeans, and Rico will lose it. In private, dress down for him or peel off clothes from him, and Rico will lose it even more. 


  • Surprise hugs or kisses, but when no one is around, especially when you grab his jacket or t-shirt and pull him into a kiss.
  • Heartfelt compliments from you. This not only makes his cheeks red, but it makes him happy.
  • A bright and cute smile from you.  
  • Teasing him when he least expects it, but not in public. If you do tease him in public, he will be angrier than anything.


  • Cheering him on in a fight. If you chant his name during a physical fight, Ran will be happy. For once, someone will be cheering him on rather than trying to stop him.
  • Telling him you love him. Randomly catch him off guard by confessing your feelings for him. 
  • Dressing up cutely for him. When his fans or you dress up for him and tell him, “This is for you,” it will make Ran happy, and you might get to see him blush. 


  • Figuring out his Singo. This will catch Sin off guard and might make him blush, especially if his words were meant for you, such as in confession or compliments, or if he was flirting with you.
  • Surprising him by reading the same books as him and talking about the plot. It makes him happy to know you are interested in the same books as him, and if you are not interested in the same books, it will make Sin happier knowing that you went out of your way to do something for him.


  • Turning his own words against him. This will take skills, and if you do it often, it won’t work on him. 
  • Seeing you spend time and get along with his bird. When Takami sees you interacting with his bird, his cheeks turn pink. It is also a happy moment for him to see the two most important beings in his life together. 
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