
Prompt: Can I request  headcanons with them reacting at y/n falling asleep in their place, and murmuring their names, after watching a movie?

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner
  • As the end credits rolled, Kei turned his head towards you to ask if you enjoyed the movie. He smiled softly after seeing your angelic sleeping face. 
  • He slowly reached for the blanket covering your feet and pulled it over your body.
  • “Kei…” 
  • “Hm?” Your boyfriend glanced at you, expecting you to say more, only to see you were still asleep.
  • He stared at you as you called his name out a few more times with a sweet smile on your lips. 
  • Kei quietly got up and scooped you in his arms, careful not to wake you up. He carried you to his bed, wondering what you were dreaming about. 
  • “Sweet dreams, my princess. Thank you for thinking about me in your dreams as well.” He whispered and pecked your lips. 
Gins Banner
  • Ginsei’s face turned red when you rested your head on his shoulder while watching the romantic movie. 
  • After the film finished, Ginsei started to comment about the plot and acting without looking at you. When you remained silent, he thought you disliked his film choice.
  • “Did you not like the movie?” He glanced at you to find your eyes closed and mouth slightly open. “You…fell asleep? I guess you didn’t like the movie.”
  • “Ginsei…” 
  • “Y-Yes?” He asked, startled. 
  • It took him a few moments to realize you’re talking in your sleep. “Are you…dreaming of me, princess?” 
  • Ginsei’s face turned crimson as he averted his eyes and covered his mouth. “Is she dreaming about me?” 
  • If you weren’t asleep with your head on his shoulder, Ginsei would’ve done a little happy dance. 
Koku Banner
  • Kokuyou saw you falling asleep in the middle of the movie. “Why the hell didja start the movie if you were tired?” 
  • He chuckled and continued to watch out of curiosity. Engrossed in the movie, he didn’t hear you say his name the first time around. 
  • “Kokuyou…” you mumbled.
  • He didn’t look at you but waited for you to continue talking. “What? Don’t just say my name-” 
  • Your boyfriend shifted his attention to you and chortled, “Are you dreaming about me? Do you…love me that much?”
  • He knew you wouldn’t reply but he asked anyway. 
  • Kokuyou shook his head and carried you to his bed. “Next time don’t make a fuss about wanting to watch a movie if you plan to sleep through it.” 
Sin Banner
  • Halfway through the movie, you rested your head on his lap and gradually drifted off to sleep. 
  • Sin turned off the movie and grabbed a book from the side table. He absentmindedly stroked your hair as he curiously scanned the words on the cream-colored pages. 
  • “Sin…” 
  • Your boyfriend shifted his attention to you, thinking you woke from your slumber, but smiled when he saw you fast asleep. You once again called his name, earning another smile from him. 
  • “I am right here.” He whispered and rested his hand on your head.
  • When you woke up in the morning, Sin hadn’t moved an inch. He much rather preferred sleeping in an uncomfortable position than waking you up. 
Aki Banner
  • Akira was excited to watch his favorite movie with you, but much to his disappointment, you fell asleep halfway through the movie. 
  • Though he wanted to wake you up, your sleeping face was too cute to resist. He continued to stare at you for a while, completely forgetting about the movie. 
  • Right as he turned his head back to the screen, after hearing a series of gunshots coming from the TV screen, he felt you snuggle closer to him and mumble, “Akira is so warm..” 
  • His cheeks turned slightly red as he pressed his lips on the top of your head. “You are too cute for your own good.” 
Taka Banner
  • Takami invited you to his house for a movie date, not knowing that you were exhausted. Only when you fell asleep midway through the movie, did he realize your condition.
  • “If I knew you were tired, I wouldn’t have called you over. Forgive me, (y/n),” he whispered and pulled the blanket on your legs over your body. 
  • “I like sleeping with Takami…” 
  • Did you just reply to his apology in your sleep? Your words also startled him. Takami wondered what your reactions would be if he told you about the statement you made. 
  • He chuckled and shook his head, “Don’t say such statements…you could give any man the wrong idea.” 
Tai Banner
  • Taiga was playing an RPG video game while you watched him. Though you would much rather play the game than watch, you didn’t want to ask him for the controller and potentially make him sad. 
  • Not being able to handle the sleep-inducing music, you slumped against the back of the sofa. He didn’t realize you were asleep until your head ended up in his lap. 
  • Taiga got so freaked out that he nearly dropped the controller on your face. For a moment, he stared at you, trying to calm down his racing heart. The more he looked at your resting face, the hotter his cheeks got. 
  • You were sleeping with your head on his lap…Taiga had to command his mind from not wandering into “bad” places. 
  • “Taiga…hot…”
  • Though he couldn’t make out the entire sentence, the two words he heard were enough to send his heart and mind into overdrive. For the rest of the night, Taiga mumbled to himself, “She is just sleeping…there is nothing more. No bad thought, mind….”
Kas Banner
  • After the movie finished, Kasumi gently placed your head on a pillow and got up to get a blanket for you. 
  • “Kasu…mi.” 
  • He stopped and turned around, thinking you woke up but realized you were still asleep. Quietly walking back to you, he kneeled beside the sofa. 
  • “Kasu…gimme a donut…” 
  • Your boyfriend laughed a little and kissed the side of your head. 
  • The next morning when you woke up, you saw a box of dozen donuts on the table in front of you. 
  • “Are 12 donuts enough?” Kasumi asked as he ruffled your hair. 
Heat Banner
  • Heath realized you were asleep when he heard you softly snoring. He got up off the sofa and carefully lied your body down, making sure not to wake you up. 
  • He fetched a blanket from his room and when he was covering your body with the soft fleece, he thought he heard you say his name. 
  • “Hm? What did you say?” 
  • As if you heard him in your sleep, you repeated your words. “I love Heath.” 
  • His heart jumped with joy as he kneeled next to the sofa. The rapper softly pressed his lips against yours and whispered, “I love you too.”
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju was excited to have you over at his apartment for a movie night. As the two of you watched the movie, you tried your best to prevent your heavy eyelids from closing. 
  • Soon, the cute boy felt your head lean against his shoulder. Sinju glanced at you and smiled softly, thinking your sleeping face was the cutest thing he has ever seen.
  • The blue-haired boy returned his gaze to the TV when he heard you say, “Sinju’s smile I love…” 
  • His cheeks glowed red but the corners of his lips stretched widely. For the rest of the night, Sinju sat as straight as he could, not moving a muscle. He wanted you to rest without any sort of disturbances. 
Menou Banner
  • Menou chuckled when he saw you sleeping next to him. As soon as you had started the movie, you made him promise that he wouldn’t fall asleep, but here you were, fast asleep. 
  • “And I thought I was going to break the promise…” 
  • “Menou…” 
  • He knew you were asleep but wondered why you were calling out his name. Were you having a dream about him? He smiled and brushed aside a few strands of loose hair from your face. “You look like an angel…” 
  • When you woke up around midnight, you saw Menou’s face a few inches from you. You shifted a little closer to him and rested your hand on his chest before returning to dreamland once again. 
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