Words Instead of Said (Sad)
- Bawled – to shed tears often while making meaningless sounds as a sign of pain or distress
- Choked – to become or feel constricted in the throat (as from strong emotions)
- Cried – to utter loudly
- Croaked – a hoarse, harsh cry
- Gasped – a sudden loud intake of breath with one’s mouth because of shock or pain
- Grieved – to feel sorrow
- Groaned – to utter a deep moan indicative of pain or grief
- Howled – to cry out loudly and without restraint under strong impulse (such as pain or grief)
- Lamented – mourned for
- Moaned – a long, low sound indicating pain or grief
- Screamed – to voice a sudden, sharp, loud cry
- Sighed – to take a deep audible breath (as in weariness)
- Sniffled – an act or sound of sniffling
- Sobbed – to cry or weep with convulsive catching of the breath
- Squall – to cry out loudly
- Stammered – to make involuntary stops and repetitions in speaking
- Wailed – to express sorrow audibly
- Wept – to express deep sorrow, usually by shedding tears
- Whimpered – to make a low whining plaintive or broken sound
- Whined – to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry