World's Greatest Dad
Prompt: HCs for how the brothers, Dia, and Barbs would react to a usually no-fun/“give the man a break” MC walking into the room after the “Save Me, Lucifer” audio drama and handing Lucifer a cup of coffee in “World’s Greatest Dad” mug, please?
Gender: gn!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
- When you handed him the mug, Lucifer thought you were handing him a much-needed cup of coffee. But why did the mug feel light?
- He thought you were pulling a prank of him, but that’s not like you, so why give him this? Then, he noticed the words on it, and his face grew blank.
- Is this what it looks like to everyone? He is their dad? A sigh escaped his lips as he muttered under his breath, “I suddenly feel old.”
- Mammon started laughing as soon as he saw the words painted on the ceramic cup. Do you really think of Lucifer as their dad? Man, that’s hilarious.
- “Do ya feel old, Luci? So how about that credit card, dad?” He teased but got no reply as the eldest brother was too stressed and in shock.
- “Mammon,” Asmo crossed his arms and chuckled a little, “Did you forget that you are almost as old as Lucifer?”
- The Avatar of Greed’s smile slowly wiped off as his shoulder began to slump.
- Levi shook his head and pouted, “Not the world’s greatest dad. The internet is still slow, and Satan won’t stop downloading ebooks.”
- “Okay, then I will go buy a more suitable mug,” you playfully chuckled.
- “What’s gotten into your (y/n)?” The Avatar of Envy stepped away from you, “Are you possessed or something? Luci, they’re scaring me, and the internet…just got even slower than before. Luci!”
- Satan got a good chuckle from your gift, but your unexpected behavior worried him. “(Y/N), are you feeling okay? This is not like this…at this moment, you would be pushing through the door and telling us to leave him alone.”
- “We all have to have fun sometimes, don’t we?” You replied with a grin.
- “Right…,” he shifted his attention to Lucifer, “Since we can’t call you by your name, which one do you prefer more? Dad, old man, or father dearest?”
- Asmo gasped and rested his hand on his chest, “(Y/N), are you alright, sweetie? Did a demon cast a spell on you? Did you touch one of Satan’s cursed books again?”
- You shook your head and laughed, “I felt like having a little fun today.”
- “Oh, dear. Luci, I think we broke (y/n),” Asmo said, covering his cheeks.
- Beel nodded as he downed his sandwich, “He is the world’s best dad. He always knows what I want.”
- “Wait, you really think of him as a father?” You asked, tilting your head, “Beel, this was supposed to be a joke.”
- “It’s not a joke. Lucif- I mean he has always been there for all of us. He is like a dad,” the Avatar of Gluttony innocent said. “Thank you for being here for us, Lucifather.”
- Belphie slept through most of the conversation but as he changed his sleeping position, he mumbled, “Dad’s getting old…maybe he should think of getting married. (Y/N) want to marry him?”
- “Belphie, stop,” Lucifer sighed loudly and touched his forehead, “also, stop referring to me as dad.”
- “Okay, Lucifrère,” he yawned and curled up into a ball before going back to sleep.
- Barbatos watched the situation unfold with a calm smile on his lips. “My lord, it seems as though we have interrupted a family moment. We should return at a later time.”
- “No, it’s alright,” Lucifer shook his head and rubbed his temples.
- The butler chuckled and glanced at you, “It seems as though this family has rubbed off on you quite a bit.”
- Diavolo touched his chin and nodded, “The House of Lamentation is as lively as always. Seems like you could use a break, Lucifear, so why not leave the rest of the budget report to Barbatos?”
- “Not you too, Diavolo,” the eldest brother frowned and exhaled audibly.
- “But you asked me not to use your name, so…,” the prince laughed.
- “Could this day possibly get any more stressful?” The Avatar of Pride crossed his arms and shook his head, “Forget I said that. I’m certain an unexpected situation will arise soon and give me more stress.”
- “My, why has everyone gathered here?” Solomon entered the living area, “Hello, Lucifer.”
- “And there is it…,” Lucifer mumbled.