You're Interesting

Prompt: Reader is Taiga’s best friend and doesn’t find people interesting. Until one day, when she comes to pick up Taiga, she met Sin. At some point, they were talking, and Sin spoke Singo. But she analyze what he says and ask if mean what she thinks it means, and they start this mind game. They get to the point where they speak fluent Singo with each other. They somehow end up together, and one day he comes home to see his cat sleeping on her chest.

Gender: fem!Reader

Sin Banner
  • As you waited for Taiga outside of Starless, you watched people walking to and from with little interest. “I swear interesting people don’t exist anymore.” 
  • “You just don’t find anyone interesting,” your best friend strolled out of his workplace, chuckling. “Oh, hey, this is Sin. He’s one of my team members.” 
  • As soon as you shifted your eyes to the tall man next to him, you froze in place. His alluring aura, his strong presence, his piercing eye, his metallic hair – he was perfect. 
  • Sin slightly nodded his head as if trying to say “nice to meet you”. While your bestie and his teammate exchanged a few words, all you could do was gawk at him. 
  • Since that day, you couldn’t get the handsome man out of your mind. Taiga was right, you never found anyone interesting, regardless of who they were – at least not until now. You decided to pick up Taiga from Starless more often in hopes that you’ll run into his mysterious friend. 
  • Even when you ran into Sin, he merely nodded his head and walked away wordlessly. Then one day, you, Taiga, and your crush were in the back alley. Your bestie was complaining about not being able to find Nekome’s location despite pulling consecutive all-nighters. 
  • “One can immerse a sapling in fertilizer but it will not grow instantly.” 
  • Taiga furrowed his brows and sighed, “What has a tree got to do with gathering information?” 
  • “Wait, Taiga…,” you mumbled, “I think what he’s trying to say is there are times where you need to be patient. R-Right?” 
  • Sin nodded and smiled, making your heart race faster. From then on, you had somehow turned into Taiga’s go-to translator for Singo. Unbeknownst to you, Sin also looked forward to meeting you. 
  • The more time you spent with him, the more you were able to understand his riddles and poetic words, and at one point, you even started to talk in Singo, much to Taiga’s horror. The poor gamer had twice the headache to deal with now. 
  • What your bestie never saw coming, though, was you dating Sin. One day, he saw you and Sin together in a café and asked, “What are you doing here with him?” 
  • “I’m on a date with him.” 
  • Taiga’s head started spinning. Wait, weren’t you supposed to be his BFF? Then why didn’t you tell him you were interested in Sin? Your bestie wasn’t sure if you dating his teammate was a good idea since he knew Sin was hiding something, and the last thing he wanted was for you to get involved in Sin’s matters.  
  • But not wanting to break your heart, Taiga didn’t say anything; instead, he approached Sin in Starless and warned him not to get you involved in any of his matters. “Keep her away from the mess at Starless – old and new. She doesn’t deserve it – she only deserves happiness, and you better remember that.” 
  • Sin pondered over Taiga’s words while on his way home. Was he really doing the right thing by getting involved with you? What if his enemies attempt to target you? What if you learn about his past? What if – 
  • As soon as Sin opened the door to his home, all the what-if scenarios silenced in his mind. A smile danced on his lips when he saw you on the couch with his beloved cat sleeping on your chest. For a while, he stood quietly and took in the cute scene, then a thought occurred to him. 
  • What Taiga said was right, but Sin was not going to let you go. He was going to keep you far from danger, especially the darkness lurking within Starless. He had faith that you understood him to the point where you wouldn’t leave him, not even when his past comes to light. He loved you and was going to shield you from every danger because you deserved happiness – only happiness.
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