You Can't Swim

Prompt: f!MC who doesn’t know how to swim. He carries her or puts her on a float and treats her with love. 

Gender: fem!Reader

Sin Banner

  • “Sin, I ca-can’t swim! Wait, wait!”
  • He scooped you into his muscular arms and carried you into the ocean, ignoring all your protests. 
  • “My dear, would you kindly not squeeze my neck so tightly? I have to breathe.” Sin found your panicked expressions quite adorable and chuckled, “I won’t drop you or let you drown. Trust me.” 
  • Sin asked you to release his neck and lowered your back until it met the water. He kept his arms under your back to support you as you floated and stared at the sky.
  • Your body felt as light as a cloud, and you closed your eyes, taking in the serene feel of the cool water and light breeze. Had you opened your eyes, you would have seen Sin gently smiling. 
Gins Banner
  • “You go on ahead…I can’t swim, so I’ll stay here.” 
  • Ginsei watched you staring at the ocean longingly, and thought he felt nervous, he took your hand and brought you close to the water. “Princess, do you trust me?” 
  • “I do.” 
  • After thanking you, he led you into the ocean until the water touched your knees. Ginsei kneeled in front of you and patted his shoulders. “Get on my shoulders.” 
  • Once you climbed onto his shoulders, he carefully walked further until the water reached his neck. “Would you like to come into the water?” 
  • “NO!” 
  • Your loud reply made him chuckle. As you took in the scent of the ocean and felt the salty breeze on your skin, Ginsei stared at your legs. It took all his willpower not to start kissing your exposed skin. 
Rin Banner
  • “Don’t look at me like that, my love. I am aware you cannot swim, but please trust me.” 
  • Rindou gently took your hand and led you into the water until the lower half of your body vanished under the waves. He turned your body toward him, wrapped your arms around his neck, and wrapped your legs around his hips. 
  • Your boyfriend asked you to lean back and promised he would not let go. With your legs still tied around his hips, you released his neck and rested your back against the surface of the water. 
  • You stared at the clear skies with a serene smile on your lips as the warm sun rays kissed your skin. 
  • Rindou felt at peace and couldn’t bring himself to look away from your smile. 
Menou Banner
  • “Menou, I can’t swim. Coming to the beach was a waste of time…” 
  • For a second, he stared at you but soon chuckled and turned his back to you. “Then let me piggyback you.” 
  • Menou slowly walked into the ocean with you on his back, arms locked around his neck and legs wrapped around his torso. 
  • There were times when he pretended to lose his balance or would lean back too far as if he was going to drop you into the water. Your squeals, protests, and whines were too cute. 
  • “(Y/n), I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, so you have no need to worry,” Menou smiled, “I have never loved anyone as much as you. I don’t want to lose you…” 
  • He tilted his head down and kissed your right forearm. 
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