Motherly Reader
Prompt: Imagine for an instant that the Obey me mc looks like the Sorceress from Dragon’s crown? But her personality is very motherly! She’s a powerful witch who loves to help others with self-care rituals!
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
Series: [Disappointed Reader]
- He is relieved to have someone in the house to help him care for his brothers.
- Lucifer personally doesn’t like it when you help with his self-care rituals, as he is capable of taking care of himself. But sometimes, when you bring him coffee when he is tired or food when he forgets to eat, he is very thankful.
- He also thinks you look beautiful but doesn’t go out of his way to compliment you. Though, if you ask, ‘How do I look,’ he will honestly tell you.
- Initially, he is wary of you because you are a witch. All the witches he has met are FAR from motherly.
- Literally runs to you for everything. When his brothers are angry at him, he asks for your help. When Lucifer wants to punish him, he comes straight to you. After Lucifer punishes him, he comes to you for comfort.
- Though, he doesn’t it when you lecture him, even if he is for his own good. Lucifer already gives enough lectures, so he doesn’t want to hear them from you.
- Mammon is the happiest when you intervene in fights between his brothers or defend them when needed. That’s one less responsibility for him.
- Absolutely thankful to you for helping with his self-care rituals. He will take all the help he can get.
- Initially, he is intimated by your motherly personality, especially when you lecture him to not be on his devices all the time as it may hurt his eyes. He also didn’t like it when you asked him to take breaks.
- After Levi gets used to it, he finds your concern for him heartwarming. Moreover, he feels comfortable around you and talks to you about issues he can’t openly tell others about.
- He isn’t fond of you helping with his self-care rituals, but when he gets too absorbed in doing long dungeon runs and such, he is thankful that you bring him food.
- Since Satan is technically the youngest, he doesn’t like your motherly behavior toward him; instead, he pretends not to.
- He has the ‘I’m a big boy’ type of attitude and doesn’t require your help with anything, especially not his self-care routine.
- However, he secretly adores your motherly tendencies as it makes him feel like someone is watching out for him and seeing that he is well taken care of. But Satan will never admit this to you or anyone else.
- He loves you for helping him with his self-care routine, especially considering how much he does to take care of his skin and beauty.
- His favorite is having a spa day with you, where the two of you spend time relaxing and helping each other with beauty routines.
- Asmo also likes to brush your hair and help you take care of it as he finds it gorgeous – just as gorgeous as you.
- Loves that you are taking care of him and his brothers. But most of all, he loves how you cook for him whenever he asks. You also never get upset with him for eating that much and happily make more when his hunger curves out of control.
- He thinks you perfectly balance Lucifer; while his older brother is strict and rigid, you are loving and flexible. It’s almost like having a complete family.
- Beel treasures your present and is very protective of you. If anyone dares to even lay a finger on you, the Avatar of Gluttony will not let them walk away unharmed.
- He loves to use your lap as a pillow while you softly stroke his hair. The warmth of your skin mixed with your affectionate, motherly touch makes for the best rest he can ask for.
- Like a few of his brothers, he doesn’t mind you helping with his self-care routines, but at times, he doesn’t like it when you lecture him, especially for sleeping too much.
- Belphie likes it the most when you help with Beel’s hunger without judging him. Seeing you take care of his twin makes Belphie admire and care for you more.