TWST Genre Masterlist the happy section Accidental ConfessionAs a Best FriendAs a Boyfriend As a FatherAs a HusbandAttractiveCheerleaderChristmas JoyChu~ Come Home with MeCooking For YouCuddlesDeterminedFirst KissFlowersGeneral Relationship HCsGenieGiftsHappinessHelp Me! I Love You!How He Wakes You in the MorningHow They Seek ComfortHow Would They Say It?I Love You, And I Hate It!I Think I Like ThemIf Touch Was Your Love LanguageInjured Kiss Under the MistletoeLearning His LanguageLove LanguageMC is a Girl!?MC With Crafting SkillsMermaidMini MeMisunderstandingMoments RuinedNeck KissesOh No, He Didn’t!Oversized ClothesPerfect As You AreRandom Relationship HCsScarSebek’s SisterSeriously, Deuce?Soft SongSweet GesturesThe Tallest Get HeadpatsTheir Baby Calls Them PapaThings You Do That He Loves – From A to ZTrue Love’s KissWhat They Call You & Their BabyWishYounger Sister the in need of a Hug section Anemic ReaderBreakdownDon’t CryFearFear of the OceanForgive Me How They Seek ComfortHow to Fix a Bad DayHuman Torch/TeKa-like MC I Don’t Need Your HelpInjuredInsecurityPlant AllergyReader Breaks DownScarThing You Do That He Doesn’t Understand the need for tears section MC is Scared of Them Wish The Types of MCs Section Anemic ReaderChild of DimitrescuDaughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 1Daughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 3Don’t CryFearFear of the OceanFire/Lightning Bending MCFishing GodFloyd-Like ReaderGlyph MagicHuman Torch/TeKa-like MCI Don’t Need Your HelpKid of the Seven Rulers of Hell 2MC is a Girl!?MC Loves Music MC with AlbinismMC With Crafting SkillsMermaidMy BlanketOwl Beast CursePerfect As You ArePlant AllergyReaction to a Bad/Mean ReaderReader Breaks DownSailor Soldier ReaderSebek’s SisterThe Tallest Get HeadpatsYounger SisterYuu is Stronger Than Malleus the seasonal section Valentine’s DayFlowers White DayGiftsHalloweenType of CandyHalloween ChaosThanksgivingBlack Friday Time ChristmasChristmas JoyKiss Under the MistletoeWishNew YearChu~ Misc.Friday the 13th Mishaps The Ha-Ha Section Adopted by the Demon BrothersAs a FatherAwkward SituationsBearsBlack Friday TimeBooty SlapCheerleaderChild of DimitrescuDaughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 1Daughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 3DrunkFishing GodFlowersFriday the 13th MishapsGuys, I Shrunk MC!Halloween ChaosHelp Me! I Love You!How Does He Sleep?How He Wakes You in the Morning?How Would They Say It?I Love You, And I Hate It! Kid of the Seven Rulers of Hell 2MC is a Girl!?Moments RuinedMy BlanketNo Pets AllowedOut of Character HCsReacting to Lucifer, Mammon, SatanSeriously, Deuce?StrugglesSoft But Courageous MCSwimsuitTeen MC 29: Dating Floyd LeechThank YouThing You Do That He Doesn’t UnderstandTrue Love’s KissType of CandyWithout KnockingYuu is Stronger Than Malleus Crossover Obey MeAdopted by the Demon BrothersDaughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 1 Daughter of the 7 Rulers of Hell 3GamersGamers 2 Kid of the Seven Rulers of Hell 2Plant AllergyReacting to Lucifer, Mammon, Satan Teen MC 29: Dating Floyd LeechThe Owl HouseGlyph Magic Owl Beast Curse DisneyBearsHuman Torch/TeKa-like MCMisc.Child of DimitrescuReaction to a Bad/Mean ReaderSailor Soldier Reader the rest Character SignaturesDo and Don’tGamersGamers 2 His Weaknesses, Fears, & Insecurities PunchVisiting Your HomeWhat Are His Kisses Like?Who Wore it the Richest? Page last edited: 12/2/24 All characters of Twisted Wonderland belong to Aniplex.